Refer to: HOTO-1

Mr. B. G. Fiedor
12423 Black Oak Trail
Huntley, IL 60142

Dear Mr. Fiedor:

Thank you for your September 23 letter requesting a change to Multiway Stop warrant to reduce the minimum minor street volume to 50 percent from 70 percent where the 85 th-percentile speed exceeds 40 mph for intersections accessed by older adults under "C. Minimum volumes." For reference purposes, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has assigned your request the following official request for change number and title: 2-504(C)-Older Adult Warrant to Reduce Minimum Volume for Multiway Stops.

The process for changes in the requirements and criteria for application of traffic control devices which are detailed in the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is set forth in Section 1A.10 Interpretations, Experimentations, and Changes. A copy of this process is enclosed for your information. Item C identifies "Any supporting research data that is pertinent to the item to be reviewed;" your letter did not provide this needed research information and hence your request is incomplete.

Changes to the MUTCD are based upon a demonstrated effectiveness in terms of safety and/or traffic operations. As part of the change process, FHWA authorizes experimentations with promising new devices or candidate changes by local and State highway agencies. For those experimentations with favorable results, additional comprehensive research is carried out by FHWA. Proposed changes to the MUTCD are published by the FHWA for review by the public and by local and State highway agencies during the rulemaking process. Based upon the research and the comments, FHWA may choose to change the MUTCD.

For the criteria identified in the Multiway Stop warrant, Section 2B.07 of the MUTCD, pertinent research was reviewed by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices recently during the development of the Millennium Edition of the MUTCD as well as the input and comment by State and local traffic engineers. This review included an extensive discussion on older adults and other users with special needs as related to Multiway Stop control. The FHWA agrees with a determination made by the National Committee that safety concerns by those with special needs should be directly addressed by warning signs advising the public of their presence rather than by additional stop control measures. In addition, we strongly encourage enforcement of existing speed limits by your local police officials. Therefore based on the above information, we do not see a reason to change the MUTCD at this time.

I understand that you have been in telephone contact with Mr. Fred Ranck, Safety Engineer, the FHWA's Midwestern Resource Center, regarding your request and that you have discuss your concerns and your request with him.

If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mr. Ranck at 708-366-0857.

Sincerely yours,
Shelley J. Row, P.E.
Director, Office of Transportation Operations
