March 19, 2003

Refer to: HOTO-1

Mr. B.G. Fiedor
12423 Black Oak Trail
Huntley, IL 60142

Dear Mr. Fiedor:

Thank you for your letter of February 4 again requesting a change to Multiway stop warrant to reduce the minimum minor street volume to 50 percent from 70 percent where the 85th-percentile speed exceeds 40 mph for intersections accessed by older adults under "C. Minimum volumes." This request has previously been assigned an official request for change number and title of 2-504 (c) - "Older Adult Warrant to Reduce Minimum Volume for Multiway Stops."

Thank you for providing a copy of the HealthBriefs newsletter with the article regarding the University of Washington research report about the increased risk for older adults of crossing at marked crosswalk locations. This information is of interest, but it is unclear how this information affects the basic volume requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Multiway stop warrant. The information as presented in this report is not directly applicable to the Multiway stop warrant process and does not suffice as a basis to revise the warrant.

As provided for in our response of October 15, 2002, the next step would be for a governmental agency responsible for highways/streets to develop a Request for Experimentation consistent with the provisions of the MUTCD. To date, we have not received such a request from a governmental agency.

The additional information, which you provided in your telephone call of February 27, does raise some additional issues and concerns. You described the street where older adults cross at an intersection as 80 foot wide. Several studies have identified streets with multiple lanes as problematic for control by stop signs and that traffic signal control is the preferred form of traffic control for multiple lane streets. The FHWA is aware of safety studies, which have identified the limitation of stop signs in controlling vehicle movements at multiple lane approaches to intersections.

By copy of this letter, I am advising the City Manager and Assistant City Manager of Huntley of your ongoing concerns for your safety as a pedestrian and the Illinois Department of Transportation's Traffic Engineer.

If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mr. Fred Ranck at 708-283-3545.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Shelley J. Row, P.E.
Director, Office of Transportation Operations