[Image not shown - FHWA letterhead, contains date: August 22, 2001. (See PDF version to view images.)]

Mr. Vernon Kleen

1824 Clearview Drive

Springfield IL 62704

Dear Mr. Kleen:

We have reviewed your August 3 letter which included a proposal for modification of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NWTCD). You made some suggestions to improve the detection of center curbs and median strips. We have assigned your request the following official ruling number 3 - (15 1 (C)) Change (Detection of Center Curbs and Median Strips).

Some of the changes you suggested are much different than the current NMTCD. Since your suggestions pertain to visibility and/or delineation I would like to point out the current items in the MUTCD that can improve delineation and visibility of the roadway conditions. The MUTCD Part 3 Markings describes several methods for pavement and curb markings (Chapter 3B), islands(Chapter 3G)) as well as object markings (Chapter 3C) and delineation (Chapter 3D). You may visit our website to review the above information at http//:mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov. You may want to read this information and then consult with your local traffic engineer.

The approach curbs may be marked with retroreflective paint and supplemented with raised pavement markers to improve visibility and delineation. There are many other scenarios which are provided for in the @TCD.

Because the MUTCD is a national standard, we take care to ensure that all major changes are evaluated for safety and effectiveness. We are also cognizant of cost impacts to implementing agencies. In the case of your suggestion, we must deny your request for a change unless supporting safety and operational data can be provided. Additionally, your proposal would be a significant change and the cost implications would have to be evaluated.

We appreciate you sharing your suggestion with us. If you have any questions you may contact Ms. Cherie Kittle at 202-366-2188.

Sincerely yours,

Christine M. Johnson

Program Manager, Operations

Director, ITS Joint Program Office

cc: Mr. Jim Baron, ATSSA