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3(09)-001(E) - 3D Crosswalk Markings — Chicago

FHWA's Response Letter Conditionally Approving the Amended Request to Experiment

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MUTCD Team Contacts

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.
Washington, D.C. 20590

July 15, 2010

In Reply Refer To: HOTO-1

Ms. Luann Hamilton
Deputy Commissioner
City of Chicago Department of Transportation
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60602-2570

Dear Ms. Hamilton:

Thank you for your June 30 letter requesting a revision in your approved experiment number 3(09)-1 (E) with the use of a series of colored crosswalk and pedestrian warning pavement markings that create the illusion of being three-dimensional (3D) to attempt to increase yielding by motor vehicles at two locations in Chicago.

We have reviewed your proposal to revise the experiment by deleting the proposed 3D crosswalk markings and instead using the 3D advance pedestrian warning markings at both locations. In addition, you indicated that there is a pending Illinois State law that would require drivers to stop for, rather than yield to, pedestrians at uncontrolled crosswalks, and you request permission to revise the word message marking associated with the 3D advance warning markings from "Look for Pedestrians" to "Stop for Pedestrians" in the event that the new law becomes effective prior to installation of the experimental markings.

We agree with and approve your proposed revisions to the experiment, with the following exception. The diagram of the proposed markings that was included in your June 30 letter shows the words "Look for Pedestrians" comprised of letters that are not elongated for viewing at a flat angle, not big enough to be seen from a distance, and not comprised of standard all upper-case pavement marking alphabet letters. Please revise your marking plans for this experiment so that the word message marking complies with paragraphs 04, 05, and 07 of Section 3B.20 of the 2009 MUTCD.

Thank you again for your interest in improving pedestrian safety. We look forward to receiving your periodic interim and final reports on this experiment. If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Scott Wainwright of our MUTCD Team at or by telephone at 202-366-0857.

Sincerely yours,

Original signed by:

Mark R. Kehrli
Director, Office of Transportation Operations