July 27th, 2001

Ms Shelley J. Row, P.E.

Federal Highway Administration - Sent via facsimile to

Office of Transportation Operations 202-366-3302 -

400 7th Street, S. W. HTD-1

Washington, D.C. 20590

Dear Shelley,

Good Morning. As per our phone conversation, here's my letter requesting an additional letter from you and your office in reference to when the next Notice of Proposed Amendments will be issued with the new section 4F.01 through 4F.04 included.

1, as well as many of us associated with the traffic related industry understand and appreciate your offices efforts in the large task of the re-writing the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices manual. We can also understand the additional delays and work loads associated with a new administration coming on board.

Shelley, as your aware of, over the last 11 years I have been working with the Federal Highway Administration, many of the Committee's of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and it's Full Committee as well, in regards to the "Emergency Beacon". Through these years the Emergency Beacon's concept, and 1, have formed many relationships with individual State Department of Transportation's across the country. As well through the last 11 years, many of the names and faces with the individual State DOT’s that I have dealt with have changed either through retirement, replacement, relocation or the similar.

The last 2 years with some of these new DOT folks (and even some of the existing DOT folks) has become strained due to me telling them that the Emergency Beacon is being printed in an N.P.A. You and I are familiar with the reasons of all of the delays over the last couple of years, but I'm now receiving kind of a, "yea... right Jones' general response. This is not all DOT'S, and many have a copy of your August 15th, 2000 letter (enclosed), but this is the reason that I'm requesting an additional letter from you.

If your letter again could reference the following: that section 4F.01 through 4F.04 is going into the next NPA, when will the next NPA will be published, and what is its expected commit time window, would be greatly appreciated.

-As always, I appreciate the efforts you and your office has shown me and if this letter could be done as soon as possible and 2 copy faxed to me. My number at home is 727-789-9800, its kind of a pain because you have to call first so I can switch the phone over to fax (sorry for this inconvenience), Thank you.


Richard D. Jones

PS -- If you need me you can reach me on my cell phone, the number is 727-452-6778.