U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh St SW
Washington, DC 20590

Refer to: HOTO-1 September 30, 2000

Mr. G. Bruce Conner
County Engineering/Director
County of Union New Jersey
2325 South Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

Dear Mr. Conner:

Thank you for your April 7 letter and your April 11 follow-up fax furnishing additional information regarding your request to experiment with in-roadway warning lights at crosswalks (IV-178(Ex)).

We have reviewed the material that was submitted and find it to be suitable in support of your request to experiment. Therefore, your request to experiment for 18 months under the provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices with in-roadway warning lights at crosswalks is hereby approved.

We look forward to reviewing your semi-annual progress at the end of this year. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Ms. Louisa M.Ward on 202-366-4372.

Sincerely yours,

Jeffrey A. Lindley
Acting Director, Office of Transportation Operations

cc: HOTO-1 HOST-1 HOTO-1(LWard/EHuckaby/KPoindexter)
HOTO-1(GSchoene) Mr. Robert Garrett, NCUTCD
Ms. Carol Tan Esse, HRDS-05 All Resource Centers HDA-NJ(2)
Chron 3408 Reader 3408
