Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh Street SW
Washington, DC 20590
March 20, 2000

Refer to: HOTO-1

Mr. G. Bruce Conner
Engineering Director
County of Union
2325 South Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

Dear Mr. Conner:

We have reviewed your February 18 letter regarding your request for approval to experiment within-roadway warning lights at crosswalks and offer the following comments. As stated in Section 1A-6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), please address the following in your evaluation plan:

  1. Please confirm the in-roadway lights you have selected are bi-directional. We believe that a minimum of five lights should be used on typical cross sections as follows: Right edge of travel way; center of right lane; centerline; center of left lane; left edge of travel way. However, if the lights are bi-directional, your proposed configuration of lights would be adequate.
  2. Please include an agreement to restore the experiment site to a state complying with the provisions of the MUTCD should at any time it be determined that significant safety hazards are directly or indirectly attributed to the experimentation.
  3. Please indicate what and how much subjective data will be collected. The additional information we need is described below. As a minimum, collect before and after spot speed data for 100 free-flowing vehicles both at the crosswalk and either 50', 100', or 200' before the crosswalk, according to the methodology in the ITE Traffic Engineering Handbook. This should be collected both during the daytime and at nighttime. It is best to record speeds for single vehicles rather than platoons.
  4. We also request that you include some safety assessment such as near misses, traffic conflicts, accidents, etc. Please specify.
  5. Please include an agreement to submit your final report within 3 months of completion of the experiment to the FHWA, Office of Transportation Operations.

In addition to the requirements found in Section1A.6 of the MUTCD, we offer the following comment:

Your request to experiment with the in-roadway flashing warning lights for crosswalks will be approved, contingent on receipt and review of a more detailed evaluation plan including the items requested above.

For future reference purposes, we have assigned the following official experimentation number and title to your request: "In-Roadway Warning Lights At Crosswalks - IV-178(Ex)." Please refer to this number in future correspondence.

If we can be of further assistance, please contact Ms. Louisa M. Ward on 202-366-4372.

Sincerely yours,

Jeffrey A. Lindley
Acting Director, Office of Transportation Operations
