February 10, 2003

W. Scott Wainwright, P.E., PTOE
Highway Engineer, MUTCD Team
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Transportation Operations, HOTO- 1
400 7th Street, SW, Room 3408
Washington, D.C. 20590

RE: Pedestrian Countdown Timer Experimental Installation Requests

Dear Mr. Wainwright:

We have been requested to install pedestrian countdown near a hospital crossing. The crossing connects the hospital grounds with related offices in an adjacent commercial center which is located across a busy arterial roadway. The basis of their request is the provision of more information upon which the pedestrian can make a judgment as to whether sufficient time remains to cross safely.

We realize that although this type of device has been proposed as an amendment to the MUTCD it is not yet covered. Therefore, we would like to make application for authorization for an experimental program within Washington County to test the impact and effectiveness of pedestrian countdown timers as a traffic control device.

The experimental program would initially be in effect at one intersection and would not be expanded without specific authorization. An ongoing monitoring and evaluation plan would be in place to; (1) provide early indications of any safety problems, and (2) to provide an ongoing record of the apparent impacts of the system, The evaluation would consist of two primary areas. The first would be the ongoing evaluation of any safety issues. The second would be an ongoing, periodic assessment based on on-site interviews with pedestrians using the experimental controls. Part of the reason for the relatively minimal amount of statistical analysis is the amount of statistics that already exist in many parts of the country. We would be more interested in the apparent impact on our local users in facilitating their safe crossing.

A licensed Traffic Engineer on the County's Traffic Engineering staff would oversee the project. Reporting methods and frequencies would be developed to meet your criteria.

We respectfully request your positive consideration of this proposal. If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please call me at (503) 846-7955, or email me at robert.morast@co.washington.or.us.

Robert J, Morast, P.E.
County Traffic Engineer

c: Michael Borresen

Department of Land Use and Transportation
Traffic Engineering
1400 SW Walnut Street, MS 17B
Hillsboro, OR 97123-5625
phone: (503) 846-7950
fax: (503) 846-7910