U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

December 20, 2005
Refer to: HOTO-1

Mr. Bahman Janka
Transportation Administrator, City of Pasadena
Department of Transportation
221 East Walnut Street, #210
Pasadena, CA 91101

Dear Mr. Janka:

Thank you for your November 29 letter requesting permission to experiment with steady and flashing in-roadway lights for the purpose of enhancing the delineation of crosswalk lines for pedestrians.

Chapter 4L of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) provides for the use of in-roadway lights to warn drivers of the presence of an uncontrolled crosswalk. However, your experimentation is aimed at enhancing the conspicuity of the proper crossing paths for pedestrians and complementing the simultaneously operated pedestrian signal indications at a signalized intersection. You intend to evaluate the effects on both pedestrian compliance and motorist behavior in yielding to pedestrians when turning at the experiment location and at a control site.

We have reviewed your proposal for experimentation and have found it to be satisfactory, subject to the following comments:

Your request for experimentation is approved for a period of 3 years following the installation of the experimental in-roadway lights. For reference purposes, we have assigned your request the following official experimentation number and title: "4-301(E) - In-Roadway Lights for Pedestrian Delineation - Pasadena, CA." Please refer to this number in future correspondence.

We appreciate your interest and effort in improving traffic and pedestrian safety and operations, and we look forward to receiving your reports and evaluation results from the experimentation. If we can be of further assistance in this project, please contact Mr. Scott Wainwright by email at scott.wainwright@fhwa.dot.gov or by telephone at 202-366-0857.

Sincerely yours,

Regina S. McElroy
Director, Office of Transportation Operations
FHWA:HOTO-I :SWainwright:ds:60857:12-13-05
cc: HOTO-1 HOTO-1(HKalla/SWainwright)
Mr. Roger Wentz, ATSSA Mr. Jim Baron, ATSSA
Mr. Martin Knopp, HRC-MW Mr. Pat Hasson, HRC-MW HDA-CA(2) Mr. Bruce Friedman, Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. Chron 3408 Reader 3408

Mr. John Fisher
Assistant General manager
City of Los Angeles D.O.T.
221 North Figueroa Street, Room 500
Los Angeles, CA 90012

DF(4-301(E) In-Roadway Lights for Pedestrian Delineation - Pasadena, CA) M:\MUTCD\EXPERIME\4-301(E) In-Rdwy Lights for Pedestrian Delineation - Pasasena CA.doc