Part 2 - Signs: Frequently Asked Questions
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Q: Can we post messages on changeable message signs (CMS) regarding alternative modes of transportation, such as for transit services as an alternative mode for commuter travel along a specific highway?
A: Yes. A CMS message that offers a secondary mode of viable travel, such as easing congestion on the target roadway by reminding travelers of a transit service that serves the same basic destinations, is allowable. A typical application of this would be when there is a non-recurring event with anticipated delays or travel restrictions in which an alternative mode would be an appropriate message to display. If CMS messages are used to inform roadway users of transit services, it is recommended that static sign assemblies are in place to inform roadway users of, and guide them to, those transit services. It is the responsibility of the State and local agencies to establish policies regarding the display of messages, including the priority and frequency of all types of CMS messages on their roadways to ensure the primary purpose of these signs is not diminished.
Chapter 2L of the MUTCD contains provisions for the use of CMS. The primary purpose of CMS is for the display of traffic operational, regulatory, warning, and guidance information. Advertising on any CMS, including the use of any advertising format or unconventional syntax, is not allowable (see Official Ruling No. 2(09)-174 (I) – Uses of and Nonstandard Syntax on Changeable Message Signs).
Q: To be eligible for EV charging service signing, the MUTCD states that EV charging services shall meet the criteria for Direct Current Fast Chargers provided in 23 CFR 680.106. What are those criteria?
A: The minimum criteria required for General Service and Specific Service EV charging service sign eligibility is detailed in Chapters 2I and 2J of the MUTCD stating that for service signs “EV chargers provided shall meet the criteria for Direct Current Fast Chargers provided in 23 CFR 680.106 and be in continuous operations at least 16 hours per day, 7 days per week.” For eligibility of EV charging service signing, charging stations shall include Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFCs) that meet 23 CFR 106(b) Number of charging ports, 23 CFR 106(c) Connector type, and 23 CFR 106(d) Power level.
The criteria in the MUTCD are only minimum requirements for EV charging service sign use eligibility. These minimum criteria do not preclude agencies from adopting additional criteria.