2009 Edition, Original, dated December 2009 (PDF)

This is not the most current version of the MUTCD.The current version is the 11th Edition of the MUTCD, dated December 2023.
Viewing the MUTCD
The 2009 MUTCD, 2003 MUTCD, and certain Chapters of the MUTCD Millennium Edition (those affected by Revision No. 1 changes) may be viewed in HTML format, in addition to PDF format. Earlier editions of the MUTCD are available in PDF format only on this Web site. HTML formatted chapters are accessible to individuals with disabilities, per Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Printing the MUTCD
The manual is set up for double-sided, offset printing to be placed in a three-ring binder. The first 3 pages include a cover page and a spine. If you are having trouble printing the MUTCD, you may need to adjust settings in "File > Page Setup" menu, in Adobe Acrobat. A high-grade ink-jet or laser printer is recommended for a quality hard copy.
Certain chapters and sections of the MUTCD have very large file sizes due to the large page count, number of illustrations, or both, contained within (example, 2009 Edition Part 6, 184 pages with 62 illustrations). These large files can present problems when printing, depending on the printer used. This is often due to the amount of memory within the printer itself, which is often minimal, especially with the printers sold through office supply outlets. If the printer will not print the file, or prints it with errors, sending the file to the printer in smaller sections (10-20 pages at a time) often solves the problem.
Learn How To Extract PDF Images from the PDF version of the MUTCD.
Complete 2009 MUTCD (27.18MB)
Individual Parts and Chapters
Cover, Table of Contents, and Introduction (1.42MB)
Part 1 - General (736KB)
Chapter 2A - General (739KB)
Chapter 2B - Regulatory Signs, Barricades, and Gates (2.93MB)
Chapter 2C - Warning Signs and Object Markers (1.50MB)
Chapter 2D - Guide Signs - Conventional Roads (2.37MB)
Chapter 2E - Guide Signs - Freeways and Expressways (3.18MB)
Chapter 2F - Toll Road Signs (1.35MB)
Chapters 2G-2H - Preferential and Managed Lane Signs and General Information Signs (3.38MB)
Chapters 2I-2N - General Service Signs, Specific Service Signs, Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs, Changeable Message Signs, Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Signs, and Emergency Management Signing (2.53MB)
Part 3 - Markings (3.32MB)
Part 4 - Highway Traffic Signals (2.63MB)
Part 5 - Traffic Control Devices for Low-Volume Roads (1.07MB)
Part 6 - Temporary Traffic Control (4.72MB)
Part 7 - Traffic Controls for School Areas (941KB)
Part 8 - Traffic Control for Railroad and Light Rail Transit Grade Crossings (1.65MB)
Part 9 - Traffic Control for Bicycle Facilities (1.25MB)
Appendices A1 and A2 - Congressional Legislation and Metric Conversions (417KB)
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