2(09)-111 (I) Long Description - International Symbol of Accessibility – Traffic Control Device Applications

The long description of the graphic is as follows:
The title of the graphic is "International Symbol of Accessibility – Traffic Control Device Applications." The graphic shows three sign images across the top of the page, each of which include the existing International Symbol for Accessibility that features a stick figure seated upon a wheelchair. The sign on the left is the reserved parking for persons with disabilities (R7-8) sign, which features the existing symbol in white on a square blue background as an element of the rectangular sign. The sign in the center is the handicapped (W11-9) warning sign, which features the existing symbol in black on a diamond-shaped yellow background. The sign on the right is the handicapped (D9-6) general service sign, which features the existing symbol in white on a square blue background. At the bottom of the page is the existing symbol shown on a grid background to show sign manufacturers how to properly lay out the symbol.
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