Interpretation Letter 2-566(I)-Combination
Use of the W11-2 Pedestrian Sign with the R1-5 and R1-6 Pedestrian Signs
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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590
July 27, 2005
Refer to: HOTO-
Mr. Kevin L. Dunn
District 7 Signing and Pavement Marking Manager
Florida Department of Transportation
11201 North McKinley Drive, M.S. 7-1300
Tampa, FL 33612-6456
Dear Mr. Dunn:
Thank you for your April 14 e-mail requesting guidance in applying the Yield
to Pedestrian signs (R1-5 and R1-5a) and the In-Street Pedestrian signs (R1-6
and R1-6a) in the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
We would like to offer the following guidance on the application of Yield
to Pedestrian and In-Street Pedestrian signs:
- The R1-5 and R1-5a signs are intended for non-signalized, mid-block crosswalks.
These signs are not intended for use at intersection crosswalks. The purpose
of these signs is to position drivers back from the crosswalk so that the
visibility of the crossing pedestrian is not obscured from other approaching
drivers. These signs are placed 20 to 50 feet in advance of the nearest
crosswalk line (see MUTCD Figure 3B-15). The Pedestrian Crossing Warning
sign (WII-2) can be used with the above signs under certain conditions.
The W11-2 sign may be used in combination with the RI-5 and RI-5a signs
but only in the overhead position. The W11-2 sign shall not be placed on
the right hand side ground mounted position. If the W11-2 sign is used with
the R1-5 and R1-5a signs, the downward sloping arrow shall not be used.
Instead, a supplemental plaque with "AHEAD" or the distance can
be used.
- The R1-6 and R1-6a signs may be used at non-signalized, mid-block or intersection
locations. The purpose of these signs is to conspicuously remind drivers
of the pedestrian crossing and for that reason they are to be placed in
the street on the centerline, on the median island, or on lane lines. Please
be advised that FHW A has issued an official interpretation, 7-64(1) dated
July 23, 2004, that the RI-6 sign is intended for use in the street only,
not on the side of the road because the size and shape of this sign are
not designed for post-mounting with other warning or regulatory signs and
may not be placed on the right/left hand of the roadway. A copy of this
official interpretation is enclosed for your information. If the W11-2 sign
is used in combination with the RI-6 or R1-6a sign, the W11-2 sign with
downward sloping arrow may be ground mounted on the right hand side of the
- The R1-5 and R1-6 signs can be used together on the same approach as long
as the location meets the requirement for the R1-5 sign which is a non-signalizoo,
mid-block crosswalk.
- The R1-6 sign assembly cannot be installed as an educational display that
is not near any crosswalk because this regulatory sign is designed for use
only at non-signalized, marked crosswalks. Also, the RI-6 sign assembly
cannot be installed as an advanced sign display preceding the Advanced Pedestrian
Crossing sign to educate the motorist prior to reaching the crosswalk. This
regulatory sign is designed for use only at a non-signalized, marked crosswalk.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide this interpretation. We have assigned
the following official ruling number and title to the request: "2-566(I)-Combination
Use of the W11-2 Pedestrian Sign with the R1-5 and R1-6 Pedestrian signs."
Please refer to this number in future correspondence. If you need further
assistance, please contact Mr. Fred Ranck at 708 283-3545 or Ms. Guan Xu at