Interpretation Letter 6(09)-42 (I) – Signing for Rerouting Due to Traffic Incidents - Attachments
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
Official Ruling No. 6(09)-42 (I) – Signing for Rerouting Due to Traffic Incidents
- Acceptable signs for rerouting due to traffic incidents.
- Permanently installed guide signs with white legend on green background. May include portion of legend* in black on yellow panel as conspicuity enhancement.
- Directional signs with white legend on green background. May include portion of legend* in black on yellow panel as conspicuity enhancement.
- Directional assembly with supplemental plaque with white legend on green background or black legend on yellow background.
- Not acceptable.
- Permanently installed guide or directional signs using background colors other than green or the entire sign or a portion of the destination or directional legend.
- Permanently installed guide or directional signs with color panels using orange or fluorescent pink, or use of auxiliary plaques mounted to a sign of any background color.
Adaptation or re-purposing of Evacuation Route signs or similar unique route marker
Directional assembly or guide sign implying official alternative route designation.
Permanently installed directional assembly with auxiliary designations and plaques using orange or fluorescent pink (including reverse-screened colors).
* Excluding destination or directional information.