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2.0 Plaza Operations and Toll Lane Configuration

2.6.4 Recommended Guidelines

Reversible Lane Design Issues and Guideline Development

Reversible lanes present a potentially hazardous condition, in that cones or other moveable delineators must be moved in the center of a bidirectional conventional toll plaza when changing the direction of the reversible lanes. In addition, if ETC dedicated lanes are located to the left, the added utility of reversible dedicated lanes is questionable, because a single approach lane normally only requires the use of a single ETC dedicated lane. As plazas are reconstructed with express lanes to the left of the conventional plaza, provisions for implementing reversible lanes are affectively eliminated.

In the absence of reversible lanes such as HOV lanes or contra-flow lanes, new plaza construction on new facilities should not include reversible lanes.

Reversible Lane Guidelines

Guideline Reversible Toll Lane Guideline 1
Title Use of Reversible Toll Lanes on Standard Expressway Cross-Sections
Text Reversible toll lanes should be avoided where possible and excluded from the design of new toll facilities.

For existing barrier system plazas, it is recommended that the use of reversible lanes be discontinued as soon as possible for operations and safety reasons, as soon as ETC participation rates allow.

At existing ticket-system plazas, it may be practically impossible to eliminate the use of reversible lanes, as overall operations are slow in these plazas, and additional capacity is often needed regardless of ETC participation.


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