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Section 2
Plaza Operations and Toll Lane Configuration
Section 2.1 Plaza Operations and Toll Lane Configuration
Section 2.3 Express Lanes
Section 2.4 Lane Assignments/Configuration
Section 2.5 Branch Lanes and Satellite Plazas
Section 2.6 Reversible Lanes
Section 2.7 Administration Building and Accessway Location
Section 3
Signing, Markings and Channelization
Section 3.1 Spacing and Frequency of Advance Toll Plaza Signing
Section 3.2 Canopy Toll Signing
Section 3.4 Speed Control/Mitigation
Section 3.5 Lane-Using Signals
Section 3.6 Changeable Message Signing
Section 3.7 Pavement Marking/Channelization
Section 3.9 Flashing Beacons/Warning Lights
Section 4
Geometric and Safety Design
Section 4.4 Lane and Shoulder Widths
Section 4.7 Vertical Profile Grades
Section 5
Toll Collection Equipment Technology
Section 5.1 ACM/ATIM Toll Equipment Design
Section 5.2 Island Traffic Signal Design
Section 5.3 Patron Toll Display Design
Section 5.4 Automatic Barrier Gate Design
Section 6
Summary of Recommendations
Section 6.2 Plaza Operations and Toll Lane Configuration
Section 6.3 Signing, Marking and Channelization
Section 6.4 Geometric and Safety Design
Section 6.5 Toll Collection Equipment Technology
APPENDIX B - Summary of Expert Panel Workshop
APPENDIX C - Literature Review
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