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6.0 Summary of Recommendations

6.2.4 Lane Assignments

Guideline Lane Assignment Guideline 1
Title Lane Clustering
Text All payment type lanes should be grouped together or clustered, particularly during peak traffic periods in the case of multi-mode capability. This enables advance plaza configuration signing to enable early decision-making on lane selection.

This provision is intended to enable driver decision making to be done in stages, first to select the payment type, then selecting a particular lane offering the selected payment type based on queue length and its vehicle composition.


Guideline Lane Assignment Guideline 2
Title Permit or Over-Size Vehicles
Text The far right lane should be sized to accept permit or oversized vehicles.

This is consistent with common practice, and allows the slowest vehicles to stay to the right. Note that if ETC dedicated lanes are oriented to the right of the plaza, this requires permit-vehicles to pay with ETC. Provisions for oversized vehicles may not be possible at constrained plazas and the underlying facility (e.g., size, structural capacity and safety considerations), particularly for bridges and tunnels.


Guideline Lane Assignment Guideline 3
Title Attended Lanes
Text Attended lanes are slower processing lanes because of truck transactions, receipt processing and informational assistance, and should be located to the right side of the conventional plaza.

Ramp plaza lanes may need attended lanes on both the left and right sides to more safely accommodate traffic arriving from and or departing to multiple directions.


Guideline Lane Assignment Guideline 4
Title ACM/ATIM Lanes
Text ACM/ATIM lanes are capable of processing vehicles at a higher rate than attended lanes and should be located to the left of the attended lanes.



Guideline Lane Assignment Guideline 5
Title ETC Dedicated Lanes or ETC Express Lanes
Text ETC dedicated lanes should be grouped or clustered and located to the left of the conventional plaza. Consideration should be given to locating dedicated lanes in the center of a ramp plaza if the plaza approach or departure receives or feeds, respectively, multiple directions of travel. Express lanes, by definition, must abut, be physically separated from the conventional plaza, and consist of at least two lanes.

The intent is to breed familiarity by users when traveling multiple facilities.


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