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6.0 Summary of Recommendations

6.4.8 Lighting

Guideline Lighting Design Guideline 1
Title Intensity and Uniform Coverage
Text Intensity levels and uniformity ratios should be based on adaptations from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
Commentary None


Guideline Lighting Design Guideline 2
Title Minimize Lighting Spillover
Text Use proper shielding and aiming to minimize lighting spillover into adjacent properties, especially residential communities.
Commentary Migration of light pollution should be in accordance with approved environmental document(s).


Guideline Lighting Design Guideline 3
Title Quantity of Plaza Approach and Departure Lights
Text High mast and tower pole designs for mounting luminaries should be used to minimize the addition of roadway hazards that must be protected by barrier if inadequate clear zone is available or is impractical.
Commentary Tower design, and to a lesser extent high mast design (based of an internal luminaries lowering mechanism) must address the issue of accessing the luminaries for maintenance.


Guideline Lighting Design Guideline 4
Title Toll Lane Lighting
Text Lighting intensity and uniformity should be based on adaptations from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
Commentary Toll lane lighting should provide a minimum of 20 foot-candles for at least 25 feet each side of the tollbooth or automatic machine (i.e., coin, payment or ticket issuing) centerline, subject to consideration of contributions from other site-specific light sources. This level of lighting is intended to enhance plaza security including camera video and improve visibility of agency staff crossing a toll lane.


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