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5.0 Toll Collection Equipment Technology

5.5.3 Recommended Guidelines

Tollbooth Design Issues

Tollbooth Guideline Development:

Toolbooth Design Guidelines

Guideline Toll Booth Design Guideline 1
Title Tollbooth Horizontal Clearance
Text A nominal 12-inch horizontal clearance should be used from the face of the toll island curb or raised barrier to both sides of the tollbooth.
Commentary None


Guideline Toll Booth Design Guideline 2
Title Height of Tollbooth Floor
Text For new construction, the tollbooth floor should be 8 inches above the toll lane pavement surface.
Commentary Tollbooth floor surface area block-out should be installed in the toll island to maintain an island and tollbooth floor height of 8 inches.


Guideline Toll Booth Design Guideline 3
Title Tollbooth Front Door Design
Text For new construction, tollbooth design should include a front door that 1) allows the attendant to service all vehicle types while providing protection against slipping or falling into the toll lane; and 2) provides a means for the attendant to quickly enter the lane and then return to the booth, when traffic conditions permit.
Commentary None


Guideline Toll Booth Design Guideline 4
Title Tollbooth Protection
Text For new construction, the tollbooth should be protected by concrete ramparts and/or mass concrete formations, such crash blocks and planters.
Commentary Bollards pose problems with plaza aesthetics, attendant visibility and customer’s additional repellence from the tollbooth due to a perceived hazard, thereby making the exchange of money and receipts more difficult.


Guideline Toll Booth Design Guideline 5
Title Tollbooth Accessibility after Failed ETC Transaction
Text To eliminate the incident of vehicles backing up in the lane to pay the attendant after a failed ETC transactions, the following alternatives should be evaluated: 1) move the antenna location further upstream if the plaza canopy and software can support this location; 2) add VES equipment (i.e., front and rear cameras if necessary) to capture a license plate images and modify the software to provide a green light if a transponder Agency Code is read.
Commentary Failure to read an agency code may be the result of a failed battery or other transponder malfunction or the Agency code is unrecognizable to the ETC reader.


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