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4.0 Geometric and Safety Design

4.6.2 Recommended Guidelines

Cross Slope Design Issues and Guideline Development

Some of the significant issues to consider when designing a toll island and recommendations for resolving these issues include the following:

Cross Slope Design Guidelines

Guideline Cross Slope Design Guideline 1
Title Cross Slope Ranges
Text Design of cross slopes should follow the methods and guidelines provided by the AASHTO “Green Book” and or the respective state DOT design manuals. Drainage design needs to address runoff from the canopy. Cross slopes will typically range from 1%-2% on tangent roadway sections and higher on curves.
Commentary The drainage design must combine cross slopes with longitudinal grade to avoid any water ponding within the toll plaza. Canopy runoff should be directly piped into the drainage system.


Guideline Cross Slope Design Guideline 2
Title Rollover Ranges
Text Design of rollover of adjacent lanes should follow the methods and guidelines provided by the AASHTO “Green Book” and or the respective state DOT design manual. Rollover should be limited to a combine grade differential of 4%.
Commentary None

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