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6.0 Summary of Recommendations

6.2.7 Administration Building Configuration and Access

Guideline Administration Building Configuration and Access Guideline 1
Title Accessway
Text Toll plaza administration building accessway should be located downstream from the toll collection point, on the side where the administration building is planned, which is normally the right side.

An exception would be at ramp plazas or one-way roadways where the slower, cash toll lanes are located to the left. In these cases, the building accessway should be located on the left. Design should be prepared following AASHTO design guidelines applicable in the departure area, where speeds are still slow.


Guideline Administration Building Configuration and Access Guideline 2
Title Personnel Lane Access
Text For all new plaza construction with ETC dedicated lanes or express lanes and one administration building, provide a tunnel or overhead walkway.

Toll island access to the tunnel or overhead walkway should be spaced so that toll collectors should not have to cross more than one live toll lane (i.e., access on every third toll island).



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