The tollbooth is used in manual collection lanes to protect the attendant and collection equipment from both weather conditions and users who maneuver their vehicles unreasonably close to the tollbooth to pay the toll and receive change and a receipt. The dimensions of tollbooths installed in conventional toll plazas vary considerably. In nearly all instances, the tollbooth is installed on an elevated toll island that extends beyond the outside width of the tollbooth, providing horizontal clearance on each side with the expectation of avoiding damage to the booth and vehicles. Safety and operational issues related to the user’s interaction with the tollbooth is limited primarily to horizontal clearance and protection of the attendant from errant vehicles in maneuvering toward the tollbooth to pay the attendant. Manual lanes deploying ETC equipment pose the most significant safety concern resulting from the user not recognizing a failed ETC transaction until the vehicle is downstream of the tollbooth.
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