Safety hazards prevalent to a toll plaza are compounded at night and need to be mitigated by properly designed lighting both at the plaza approach and departure, as well as the conventional plaza toll lanes. For toll plazas with express lanes, roadway divergence into a conventional toll plaza requires lighting equivalent to partial interchange lighting standards deployed at interchanges. The lighting design for the approach transition and queue zones must provide the level of luminance needed to identify open toll lanes and select the appropriate lane to transact a toll. Lighting design for manual and automatic lanes must be sufficient to see toll island signing, displays, traffic control equipment, and toll collection/ticket issuing equipment. Lighting design for the departure recovery and transition zones must provide a smooth transition for the user departing the plaza, who must simultaneously accelerate and merge with other vehicles exiting the plaza before joining any express lane traffic on the continuing roadway lanes. Tower, high-mast, and standard pole and mast arm roadway lighting are used for the approach and departure zones as well as at the divergence of the express lanes and conventional plaza lanes. Design of the toll lane lighting must strive to eliminate glare and provide uniform lighting through the toll lane. This can be achieved using island mounted luminaries directing light upward to reflect off the underside of the canopy or overhead mounted luminaries directing light downward.
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