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6.0 Summary of Recommendations

6.4.4 Lane and Shoulder Width

Guideline Lane and Shoulder Width Design Guideline 1
Title Manual and ACM/ATIM Lanes
Text Toll lane width should be a minimum of 11 feet, with 12 feet desirable to accommodate large vehicles.
Commentary A far right manual lane width of at least 16 feet should be considered for over-sized vehicles. For existing facilities, this same objective may be achieved by a 12 foot lane and a 4 foot shoulder.


Guideline Lane and Shoulder Width Design Guideline 2
Title Dedicated ETC Lanes
Text Toll lane width should be a minimum of 11feet, with 12 feet desirable to accommodate larger vehicles, if permitted.
Commentary None


Guideline Lane and Shoulder Width Design Guideline 3
Title Express ETC Lanes
Text Toll lane and shoulder widths should match the typical section design used for the approaching roadway.
Commentary Some shoulder restriction may be needed to the inside shoulder to accommodate a bridge or gantry structure foundation used to support overhead toll and violation enforcement equipment when the median width is insufficient. This isolated shoulder reduction should be tapered and be limited in length to minimize the impact on an emergency vehicle using the shoulder to bypass congested traffic conditions when the shoulder width is sufficient for vehicle travel.


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