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5.0 Toll Collection Equipment Technology

5.6.4 Recommended Guidelines

VES Design Issues

VES Guideline Development:

VES Design Guidelines

Guideline VES Design Guideline 1
Title VES Equipment Horizontal Clearance
Text A minimum horizontal clearance of 12 inches from the vertical face of the toll island curb should be maintained for the VES camera and light. For barrier separated dedicated toll lanes, the VES camera and light should be mounted to a stanchion installed behind the barrier.
Commentary The camera and light can also be mounted to the top of the barrier if a minimum horizontal clearance of 12 inches from the travelway is provided.


Guideline VES Design Guideline 1
Title VES Light Impairment Mitigation
Text Continuous white lighting should not be deployed for front license plates when the camera and light are mounted overhead.
Commentary Flashed/pulsed, strobe and infrared lighting solutions should be considered to avoid impairing the user’s vision.


Guideline VES Design Guideline 3
Title VES Lighting
Text Pulsed or flashed lighting involving high intensity LEDs producing white lighting should be deployed when multiple colored license plate characters and backgrounds corresponding to different jurisdictions must be captured.
Commentary Other solutions, such as changing the beta factor for infrared lighting, can be used if field tests verify quality images and a high optical character recognition success rate can be achieved.

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