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2.0 Plaza Operations and Toll Lane Configuration

2.4.1 State of the Practice

Until the mid-1990s, many toll plazas interspersed various lane payment types, but based on survey responses most agencies now group their lanes by payment type. Although there is variation in implementation details used by agencies, predominant practice is to locate dedicated lanes to the left and manual lanes to the right of conventional plazas.

In many urban plazas, there are often ramp plazas located within approach or departure zones, as well as queue zones. In some extreme cases, these are on the left as well as the right, particularly with older facilities in New York and New Jersey. These facilities often mix payment types across the plaza, so that the driver can find a lane close to his or her intended direction of travel. This configuration is increasingly difficult to support with the increased use of electronic toll collection and the concomitant differential speeds that degrade safe operations.

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