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3.0 Signing, Markings and Channelization

3.4.1 State-of-the-Practice

To reduce vehicle speed approaching a toll plaza, agencies have used a varied application of advance speed warning signs, pavement markings, channelization devices, raised pavement markers (e.g., turtles) and speed bumps, in addition to posting speed limit signs. For express and ETC dedicated lanes, speed enforcement by the state patrol or other authorized law enforcement personnel is deployed to varying degrees amongst toll agencies. This strategy requires sufficiently wide shoulders or a widened pull-off area downstream or upstream of the tolling point. For the departure side of the conventional plaza, the strategy used by the majority of agencies is to use signs to request trucks and possibly buses and RVs stay in the right lane to minimize the affect on other traffic in attaining the mainline prevailing speed. The randomness of the toll transaction time in the cash lanes provides an inherent metering affect that tends to relieve merging conflicts.

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