empty cell
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Full-size image of Figure 10C-2

Figure 10C-2. Regulatory Signs

This figure shows 18 regulatory signs used for light rail transit. They are shown as rectangular white signs with black borders and legends, except for R3-1a and R3-2a.

R3-1a is shown as a vertical rectangular black sign with no border and the words "NO RIGHT TURN ACROSS TRACKS" in white on five lines. It is labeled "Activated Blank-Out."

R3-2a is shown as a vertical rectangular black sign with no border and the words "NO LEFT TURN ACROSS TRACKS" in white on five lines. It is labeled "Activated Blank-Out."

R8-8 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS" on four lines.

R8-9 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "TRACKS OUT OF SERVICE" on three lines.

R8-10 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "STOP HERE WHEN FLASHING" on four lines above a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left, with the word "STOP" larger than the other words.

R10-6 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "STOP HERE ON RED" on three lines above a diagonal arrow pointing down and to the left, with the words "STOP" and "RED" larger than the other words.

R10-11a is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "NO TURN ON RED" on four lines, with the word "NO" larger than the other words.

R15-3 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the word "EXEMPT."

R15-4a is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a black panel on the top third of the sign. The words "RIGHT LANE" are shown in white on the panel above a black symbol of a light rail transit vehicle on a cross section of track above the word "ONLY" in black.

R15-4b is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a black panel on the top third of the sign. The words "LEFT LANE" are shown in white on the panel above a head-on symbol of a light-rail transit vehicle on a cross section of track above the word "ONLY" in black.

R15-4c is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a black panel on the top third of the sign. The words "CENTER LANE" are shown in white on the panel above a head-on symbol of a light rail transit vehicle on a cross section of track above the word "ONLY" in black.

R15-5 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows a head-on symbol of a light rail transit vehicle on a cross section of track with a symbol of a person exiting the vehicle. Under these symbols, the words "DO NOT PASS" are shown on two lines.

R15-5a is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "DO NOT PASS STOPPED TRAIN" on four lines.

R15-6 is shown as a square sign. It shows a vertical track with a head-on symbol of an automobile superimposed on the track. A red circle and diagonal red slash are shown superimposed on the image.

R15-6a is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "DO NOT DRIVE ON TRACKS" on four lines.

R15-7 is shown as a square sign. It shows the words "DIVIDED" and "HIGHWAY" above and below a symbol of a four-legged intersection with a left-pointing arrow at the top, a right-pointing arrow at the bottom, and a vertical road crossing these two arrows and continuing in each direction. Between the two sections of highway, two horizontal tracks are shown.

R15-7a is shown as a square sign. It shows the words "DIVIDED" and "HIGHWAY" above and below a symbol of a T-shaped intersection with a left-pointing arrow at the top, a right-pointing arrow at the bottom, and a vertical road crossing these two arrows but ending at the top arrow. Between the two sections of highway, two horizontal tracks are shown.

R15-8 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a horizontal two-direction arrow above the word "LOOK."

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024