MUTCD Color SpecificationsColor Specifications (23 CFR 655)The color specifications are used to determine the color of sign sheeting and pavement marking materials. Most of the color specifications were last revised by the final rule; amendment dated November 21, 2002. Some color specifications were revised and specifications for some new colors were added by the final rule dated December 16, 2009. The final rule dated December 19, 2023 added additional information specific to green- and red-colored pavement. Select the links below to view the FINAL RULES for color specifications:
* There is a typographical omission in the color specification for green-colored pavement in Table 5a of the 23 CFR 655, Appendix to Subpart F, as contained in the December 19, 2023 Final Rule (page 87695 of the Federal Register Notice.) For green-colored pavement the daytime luminance factor (Y) shall be at least 7, but no more than 35. ** There is a typographical error in the revised color specification for Fluorescent Pink sign sheeting in Table 3 of the 23 CFR 655, Appendix to Subpart F, as contained in the December 16, 2009 Final Rule (page 66862 of the Federal Register Notice.) For point 5 of the color box for Fluorescent Pink in Table 3, the y coordinate should be 0.290 (not 0.221). Pantone Matching ColorsThe following are Pantone specifications for printing purposes only. They provide a guide for selecting appropriate ink colors to closely match the standard colors of traffic control signs. The Pantone specifications are not for use in sign fabrication. NOTE: There are no Pantones available for fluorescent alternatives of standard colors. Pantone Specifications for Printing
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