Figure 2D-8. Street Name and Parking Signs
This figure shows six street names and parking signs.
D3-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with white borders and legend. The words "E MAIN ST" are shown in white, with the word "MAIN" in large letters.
D3-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The words "Johnson Blvd" are shown on the top line, and the words "NEXT SIGNAL" are shown on the bottom line. Below this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is another horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. On the top line, a left-pointing horizontal arrow is shown to the left of the words "Scott Boulevard." On the middle line, the words "Lincoln Avenue" are shown to the left of a right-pointing horizontal arrow. On the bottom line, the words "NEXT SIGNAL" are shown. Below this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is another horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. On the top line, the words "Shady Grove Road" are shown. On the next line, the words "NEXT INTERSECTION" are shown above a horizontal white line that extends across the width of the sign. Below the dividing line on the third line, the words "Pleasant Street" are shown. On the bottom line, the words "2ND INTERSECTION" are shown.
D4-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a green border and legend. The word "PARKING" is shown with an oversized "P." To the right of the "P" and above the rest of the word, a diagonal green arrow is shown pointing up and to the right.
D4-2 is shown as a vertical rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. In the upper right quadrant, a head-on symbol of a car containing people is shown. Below the symbol, the words "PARK & RIDE" are shown on two lines above a right-pointing horizontal arrow.