Change List for Revision No. 1 of the 2003 Edition of the MUTCD, dated November 2004
This change list was developed to acquaint readers of the 2003 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) with the changes that have been incorporated into the MUTCD with Revision No. 1 by an Interim Final Rule, dated November 2004. This change list compares the 2003 MUTCD with Revision No. 1 incorporated to the original 2003 Edition of the MUTCD, dated November 2003, which was the version that was printed and sold by AASHTO, ATSSA, and ITE.
Note that, in the PDF version of the 2003 Edition of the MUTCD with Revision No. 1 incorporated, a black vertical line and the notation "Rev. 1" in the margin alongside a particular paragraph or figure denotes the location of the changes that have been made with Revision No. 1.
All references to Parts, Chapters, Sections, figures, tables, paragraphs, items, and pages in this change list refer to the 2003 MUTCD.
General Items
The front cover, spine, and inside cover of the MUTCD as well as the cover page of Part 2 have been revised to indicate "Including Revision No. 1 dated November 2004" directly under the words "2003 Edition".
Part 2 Signs
Chapter 2D Guide Signs - Conventional Roads
Section 2D.45 General Service Signs (D9 Series)
On Page 2D-23, in Figure 2D-11, the D9-20 Pharmacy symbol sign and the D9-20a "24 HR" plaque were added.
Also on Page 2D-23, the first Standard was revised to remove the list of various legends for various services, making this sentence general in nature.
Also on Page 2D-23, the second Standard was expanded to add a second sentence, requiring that the Pharmacy (D9-20) sign shall only be used to indicate the availability of a pharmacy that is open, with a State-licensed pharmacist present and on duty, 24 hours per day, seven days per week and that is located within 3 miles of an interchange on the Federal-aid system, and a third sentence requiring that the D9-20 sign shall have a 24 HR (D9-20a) plaque mounted below it.
Chapter 2E Guide Signs - Freeways and Expressways
Section 2E.51 General Service Signs
On Page 2E-56, existing Item F (Camping) was relabeled to become Item G, and a new Item F was inserted containing the criteria for general service signing for 24-hour pharmacies.
Also on Page 2E-56, in the last Standard statement on the page, the last sentence of the first paragraph of that Standard was revised to add 24-Hour Pharmacy to the list of services for which one or more legends shall be carried on General Service signs.
On Page 2E-57, Figure 2E-42 was revised to add illustrations of alternative examples of D9-18a and D9-18 signs that include the word or symbol for "24-HR PHARMACY" in lieu of the word or symbol for "CAMPING". In these added examples, the exit number is shown as "EXIT 38".
On Page 2E-58, the second Option statement on that page was revised to change the parenthetical phrase "(four services)" in the first sentence of this paragraph to "(four or six services)" and to change the final sentence of this paragraph to allow the 24-Hour Pharmacy (D9-20 and D9-20a) symbol as well as the Tourist Information (D9-18) symbol to be substituted on symbolic (D9-18) General Service signs.
Chapter 2F Specific Service Signs
Section 2F.01 Eligibility
On Page 2F-1, in the second Standard statement on this page, a new third paragraph was added to require that distances to eligible 24-hour pharmacies shall not exceed 4.8 km (3 miles) in any direction of an interchange on the Federal-aid system.
Also on Page 2F-1, in the third Guidance statement on this page, the phrases "Except as noted in the Option below" and "other than pharmacies" were added. In addition, the word "either" was changed to "any" in recognition of the fact that in some cases there are more than two directions from which drivers can depart from an interchange.
Also on Page 2F-1, in the second Option statement on this page, the phrase "other than pharmacies" was added.
On Page 2F-2, a new Standard statement was added at the end of Section 2F.01 listing the criteria that must be met for a pharmacy to qualify for Specific Service signing if a jurisdiction elects to provide Specific Service signing for pharmacies.
Section 2F.02 Application
On Page 2F-2, the first paragraph of the Standard statement of this Section was revised to include 24-hour pharmacy as the first service type that is to be displayed in successive Specific Service signs in the direction of traffic. Also, the first sentence of the second paragraph of this Standard statement was revised to add 24-HOUR PHARMACY to the list of word messages on Specific Service signs.
Also on Page 2F-2, the first paragraph of the Option statement of this Section was deleted, as this topic was deemed to be adequately addressed by the first Option statement of Section 2F.01.
Section 2H.04 General Design Requirements for Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Symbol Signs
On Page 2H-2, in Table 2H-1, in the category of Motorist Services, the 24-Hour Pharmacy symbol was added as new number RM-230.
Section 2H.08 Placement of Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Symbol Signs
On Page 2H-9, in Figure 2H-5 (Sheet 2 of 5), the figure was revised to add the 24-Hour Pharmacy (RM-230) symbol sign.