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Full-size image of Figure 2C-4

Figure 2C-4. Roadway Condition and Advance Traffic Control Signs

This figure shows 16 different roadway condition and advance traffic control signs. They are shown as diamond-shaped yellow signs with black borders and legends. An asterisk is shown to the left of the note "An optional word message sign is shown in the 'Standard Highway Signs' book."

W3-1 is shown as a sign with an upward-pointing black arrow above an octagonal red stop sign symbol. An asterisk is shown to the right of the sign number.

W3-2 is shown as a sign with an upward-pointing black arrow above a downward-pointing equilateral triangular red and white yield symbol. An asterisk is shown to the right of the sign number.

W3-3 is shown as a sign with a symbol of a vertical traffic signal with red, yellow, and green circular lights. An asterisk is shown to the right of the sign number.

W3-4 is shown as a sign with the words "BE PREPARED TO STOP" on three lines.

W8-1 is shown as a sign with the word "BUMP."

W8-2 is shown as a sign with the word "DIP."

W8-3 is shown as a sign with the words "PAVEMENT ENDS" on two lines.

W8-4 is shown as a sign with the words "SOFT SHOULDER" on two lines.

W8-5 is shown as a sign with a black symbol of car at the top of the sign. Two vertical wavy lines extend down from the car tires.

W8-7 is shown as a sign with the words "LOOSE GRAVEL" on two lines.

W8-8 is shown as a sign with the words "ROUGH ROAD" on two lines.

W8-9 is shown as a sign with the words "LOW SHOULDER" on two lines.

W8-9a is shown as a sign with the words "SHOULDER DROP-OFF" on three lines.

W8-12 is shown as a sign with the words "NO CENTER STRIPE" on three lines.

W8-13 is shown as a sign with the words "BRIDGE ICES BEFORE ROAD" on three lines.

W17-1 is shown as a sign with the words "SPEED HUMP" on two lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024