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Full-size image of Figure 2H-1

Figure 2H-1. Examples of Use of Educational Plaques, Prohibitory Slashes, and Arrows

This figure illustrates six examples of use of educational plaques, prohibitory slashes, and arrows. The figure illustrates symbol signs shown as square brown signs with white borders and symbols, and educational plaques and arrow signs shown as horizontal rectangular brown signs with white borders and lettering.

Example (a), labeled "Directional sign with arrow," shows a swimming symbol sign mounted above a left-pointing horizontal arrow sign.

Example (b), labeled "Directional signs with arrow," shows a hiking symbol sign mounted above a sleeping shelter symbol sign mounted above a left-pointing horizontal arrow sign.

Example (c), labeled "Directional signs with arrows," shows two separate sign assemblies: a trail bike symbol sign mounted above a left-pointing horizontal arrow sign, and a four-wheel-drive vehicle symbol sign mounted above a right-pointing horizontal arrow sign.

Example (d), labeled "Directional sign with secondary symbol," shows a vertical rectangular sign with a parking symbol ("P") in the top portion of the sign above a smaller amphitheater symbol. To the right of the amphitheater symbol, a right-pointing horizontal arrow is shown.

Example (e), labeled "Management symbols with prohibitive slashes and educational plaques," shows two separate sign assemblies: a campfire symbol sign with a red diagonal slash across it from top left to bottom right, mounted above a smaller horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "NO CAMPFIRES," and a smoking symbol sign (a cigarette) with a red diagonal slash across it from top left to bottom right, mounted above a smaller horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "NO SMOKING."

Example (f), labeled "Directional sign with educational plaque and arrow," shows an information symbol sign (a question mark) mounted above a smaller horizontal rectangular plaque with the words "VISITOR INFO," mounted above a right-pointing horizontal arrow sign.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024