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Full-size image of Figure 6F-4 (sheet 2 of 4)

Figure 6F-4. Warning Signs in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 2 of 4)

  1. Sheet 2 contains 25 figures.

W6-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a vertical downward-pointing arrow to the left of a vertical upward-pointing arrow.

W6-4 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign. It shows a vertical downward-pointing arrow to the left of a vertical upward-pointing arrow.

W7-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a black symbol of a truck pointing to the left and down on a ramp that slopes up from left to right.

W8-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the word "BUMP."

W8-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the word "DIP."

W8-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "PAVEMENT ENDS" on two lines.

W8-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "SOFT SHOULDER" on two lines.

W8-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. At the top of the sign, a black symbol of a car is shown. Two vertical wavy lines extend down from the car tires.

W8-6 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "TRUCK CROSSING" on two lines.

W8-7 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "LOOSE GRAVEL" on two lines.

W8-8 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "ROUGH ROAD" on two lines.

W8-9 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "LOW SHOULDER" on two lines.

W8-9a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "SHOULDER DROP-OFF" on two lines.

W8-11 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the words "UNEVEN LANES" on two lines.

W8-12 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the words "NO CENTER STRIPE" on three lines.

W9-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the words "RIGHT LANE ENDS" on three lines.

W9-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the words "LANE ENDS MERGE LEFT" on three lines.

W9-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the words "CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD" on four lines.

W9-3a is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. At the top of the sign, a depiction of the plan view of the nose of a traffic island is shown, with the nose slanting from left to right at a 45-degree angle. A vertical upward-pointing arrow is shown to the left of the island, curving to depict movement to the left of the nose of the island. A vertical upward-pointing arrow is shown to the right of the island, pointing straight ahead to depict movement to the right of the nose of the island.

W10-1 is shown as a round yellow sign with a black border and legend. It shows a black "X" with a black letter "R" to the left and right of it.

W11-10 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows a symbol of a left-facing box truck..

W12-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows two arrows pointing diagonally at the lower left and lower right sides of the sign.

W12-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above the notation "12'-6"," which is above a downward-pointing black arrow. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows an upward-pointing black arrow above the notation "3.8 m," which is above a downward-pointing black arrow.

W13-1 is shown as a square orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the legend "35 MPH" on two lines. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as a square orange sign with a black border and legend. It shows the numerals "60" in a black circle above the legend "km/h."

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024