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Full-size image of Figure 6F-7, sheet 1 of 2

Figure 6F-7. Channelizing Devices (Sheet 1 of 2)

This figure illustrates 10 channelizing devices on two sheets.

Sheet 1 shows six examples of four types of channelizing devices: drums, tubular markers, vertical panels, and cones.

The illustration labeled "Drum" shows a vertically-oriented tubular shaped device, with a base slightly wider than at the top. The height is shown as "900 mm (36 in) MIN." The dimension across the top is shown as "450 mm (18 in) MIN." A yellow circle on a white rectangular base is shown above the top-left corner of the drum and is accompanied by the notation "facing traffic" and an asterisk. A note indicates that the asterisk means "Warning Lights (optional)." The body of the drum is shown with alternating orange and white horizontal stripes; the width of each stripe is shown as a dimension of "100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in)."

The illustration labeled "Tubular Markers" shows two different markers:

  • The first tubular marker is labeled "Night and/or Freeway High-Speed Roadway (equal to or above 70 km/h (45 mph)." It is shown as a narrow vertical tube on a base. The dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the tube is shown as "700 mm (28 in) MIN." The base and the tube are shown as orange in color. Two parallel horizontal white areas labeled as "Retroreflective Bands" are shown covering 75 mm (3 in) high sections of the tube at two specific locations on the tube. The top of the topmost of the two white bands is shown as 50 mm (2 in) below the top of the tube, and the space between the two white bands is shown as "50 mm to 150 mm (2 to 6 in.)."
  • The second tubular marker is labeled "Day and Low-Speed Roadway (less than or equal to 60 km/h (40 mph)." It is shown as a short narrow vertical tube on a base. The dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the tube is shown as "700 mm (28 in) MIN." The base and the tube are shown as orange in color. One horizontal white area labeled as "Retroreflective Band" is shown covering a 75 mm (3 in) high section of the tube. The top of the white band is shown as 50 mm (2 in) below the top of the tube.

The illustration labeled "Vertical Panel" is shown as a vertical horizontal rectangular panel mounted on a pole protruding vertically out of a flat base. The rectangular panel is shown with a height shown as a dimension of "600 mm (24 in) MIN." and a width shown as a dimension of "200 to 300 mm (8 to 12 in)." The dimension from the bottom of the base to the bottom of the rectangular panel is shown as "300 mm (12 in) MIN.," and the dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the rectangular panel is shown as "900 mm (36 in) MAX." The rectangular panel is shown covered with alternating white and orange diagonal stripes running from top left toward bottom right at a 45-degree angle. The width of each stripe is shown as a dimension of "100 mm (4 in)." A yellow circle on a white rectangular base is shown above the top-left corner of the panel and is accompanied by an asterisk. A note indicates that the asterisk means "Warning Lights (optional)."

Three illustrations labeled "Cones" show three different types of cones:

  • The first two cones are labeled "Night and/or Freeway, High-Speed Roadway, (equal to or above 70 km/h (45 mph)." The first cone is shown as a flared tubular shape with a base wider than the tip. The dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the cone is shown as "More than 900 mm (36 in)." The cone and its base are shown as orange in color. Three parallel horizontal white areas labeled as "Retroreflective Bands" are shown covering sections of the cone at three specific locations on the cone. The space between the two topmost white bands is shown as "100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in.)."
  • The second cone is shown as a flared tubular shape with a base much wider than the tip. The dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the cone is shown as "700 mm (28 in) MIN." The cone and its base are shown as orange in color. Two parallel horizontal white areas labeled as "Retroreflective Bands" are shown covering sections of the cone at two specific locations on the cone. The top of the topmost of the two white bands is shown as 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in) below the top of the cone. The height of the topmost white band is shown as "150 mm (6 in)," and the space between the two white bands is shown as "50 mm (2 in.)." The height of the lower white band is shown as "100 mm (4 in)."
  • The third cone is labeled "Day and Low-Speed Roadway (less than or equal to 60 km/h (40 mph)." It is shown as a short flared tubular shape, with a base much wider than the tip and is shown as orange in color. The dimension from the bottom of the base to the top of the cone is shown as "450 mm (18 in) MIN."

A note at the bottom of Sheet 1 states "If drums, cones, or tubular markers are used to channelize pedestrians, they shall be located such that there are no gaps between the bases of the devices, in order to create a continuous bottom, and the height of each individual drum, cone, or tubular marker shall be no less than 900 mm (36 in) to be detectable to users of long canes."

Continue to: Sheet 2

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024