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2009 Edition Part 2 Figure 2G-18. Examples of Guide Signs for Entrances to Priced Managed Lanes

Full-size image of Figure 2G-18

Figure 2G-18. Examples of Guide Signs for Entrances to Priced Managed Lanes

This figure shows three examples of guide signs for entrances to priced managed lanes, grouped into two types.

Notes state: "1. The ETC pictographs that are shown are only examples. The pictograph for the toll facility's adopted ETC system shall be used. 2. The examples shown are for facilities on which registration in a a toll account program is required for toll payments."

The first two signs are labeled: "A - Entrance to priced managed lane from a general-purpose lane":

  • The sign on the left is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top part of the sign is shown as a purple panel with a Toll Pass logo to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a white rectangle. This panel is shown above a horizontal white line that extends from the left border to the right border. Below this dividing line, a diagonal arrow is shown pointing to the left and up to the left of the words "EXPRESS LANE ENTRANCE" on three lines.
  • The sign on the right is shown as identical to the sign on the left except a white panel is shown instead of a purple panel with the words "OR HOV 2+ ONLY" instead of the word "ONLY," and the text on the white panel is shown on two lines.

The third sign is labeled "B - Direct entrance to a priced managed lane from a crossroad":

  • The sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. The top third of the sign is shown as a purple panel with a Toll Pass logo to the left of the word "ONLY" in black on a white rectangle. This panel is above a red and blue Interstate shield for I-86 with the word "WEST" above it to the left of the words "EXPRESS LANE " on two lines. Under these words, a left-pointing horizontal arrow is shown centered on the bottom line.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024