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2009 Edition Part 8 Figure 8B-9. Examples of Light Rail Transit Vehicle Dynamic Envelope Markings for Mixed-Use Alignments

Full-size image of Figure 8B-9

Figure 8B-9. Examples of Light Rail Transit Vehicle Dynamic Envelope Markings for Mixed-Use Alignments

This figure shows three examples: two of light rail transit pavement markings, colors, and textures for vehicle dynamic envelopes and one of the light rail transit vehicle dynamic envelope. A legend shows a black arrow indicating the direction of travel on the roadway lanes.

The first figure is an example of pavement markings. It shows a vertical two-lane roadway curving to the right. Black arrows on the roadway show the direction of travel as both lanes in the same direction. Two white symbols of automobiles are shown on the roadway. Two light rail transit tracks are shown between the two lanes. A black symbol of a light rail transit vehicle is shown on the track at the curve. A solid white line is shown along both sides of the track. Two arrows point to the areas between the tracks and the white lines with a note that states: "Additional clearance for light rail vehicle ends and middle ordinate overhang around curves."

The second figure is an example of contrasting color and texture on the roadway. It shows a vertical two-lane roadway curving to the right. Black arrows on the roadway show the direction of travel as both lanes in the same direction. Two white symbols of automobiles are shown on the roadway. Two light rail transit tracks are shown between the two lanes. A black symbol of a light rail transit vehicle is shown on the track at the curve. A solid black line is shown along both sides of the track. The area under the track and extending beyond both sides of the track to the black lines is shown as gray. An arrow points to the area under the track with a note that states: "Differential or contrasting pavement color and/or texture." Two arrows point to the area between the tracks and the black lines with a note that states: "Additional clearance for light rail vehicle ends and middle ordinate overhang around curves."

The third figure is an example of the light rail transit vehicle dynamic envelope. It shows a head-on drawing of a light rail transit vehicle on a cross section of track and surrounding roadway or sidewalk. Vertical dotted lines drawn from the top of the roof beyond the wheels on the track define the light rail transit vehicle dynamic envelope—the width of the vehicle and anything extending over the sides of the vehicle.

Between the dynamic envelope and the roadway or sidewalk, a differential area is shown in a contrasting pavement texture and/or color from the roadway or sidewalk. Beyond this area, edge pavement markings and then the roadway or sidewalk are shown.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024