2009 Edition Part 6 Figure 6F-3. Regulatory Signs and Plaques in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 1 of 2)
Figure 6F-3. Regulatory Signs and Plaques in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 1 of 2)
This figure shows 45 regulatory signs and Plaques used in temporary traffic control zones. The figure is composed of two sheets.
Sheet 1 shows 34 signs.
R1-1 is shown as an octagonal sign with a white border and the legend "STOP" in white on a red background.
R1-2 is shown as a downward-pointing equilateral triangle with a wide red border and the legend "YIELD" in red on a white background.
R1-2aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white plaque with a black border and the words "TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC" in black on three lines.
R1-7 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "WAIT ON STOP" in black on three lines.
R1-8 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "GO ON SLOW" in black on three lines.
G20-5aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the words "WORK ZONE" in black.
R2-1 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. The words "SPEED LIMIT" are shown on two lines above the numerals "50."
R2-6P is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "FINES HIGHER" in black on two lines.
R2-6aP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "FINES DOUBLE" in black on two lines.
R2-6bP is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "$150 FINE" in black on two lines.
R2-10 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "BEGIN HIGHER FINES ZONE" in black on four lines.
R2-11 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "END HIGHER FINES ZONE" in black on four lines.
R2-12 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "END WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT" in black on five lines.
R3-1 is shown as a square white sign with a black border. A vertical black arrow is shown bent at a 90-degree angle pointing to the right. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-2 is shown as a square white sign with a black border. A vertical black arrow is shown bent at a 90-degree angle pointing to the left. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-3 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and the words "NO TURNS" in black on two lines.
R3-4 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black u-shaped arrow is shown pointing downward with the arrowhead on the left part of the "u." A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-5 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and black legend. A vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY."
R3-6 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and black legend. A vertical black arrow is shown with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left.
R3-7 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and the words "LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT" in black on three lines.
R3-8 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and black legend. On the left half of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY." A short black vertical line is shown to its right. On the right half of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left.
R3-18 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black u-shaped arrow is shown pointing downward with two arrowheads on the left part of the "u": one at a 90-degree angle to the left and another pointing downward. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R3-27 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A vertical black arrow is shown pointing straight ahead. A red circle and diagonal slash running from the upper left to the lower right are shown superimposed on the arrow.
R4-1 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "DO NOT PASS" in black on three lines.
R4-2 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "PASS WITH CARE" in black on three lines.
R4-7 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. At the top left corner of the sign, a depiction of the plan view of the nose of a traffic island is shown. An upward-pointing arrow is shown on the sign, curving to depict movement to the right of the nose of the island.
R4-7c is shown as identical to R4-7 but narrower with slightly smaller symbols.
R4-9 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "STAY IN LANE" in black on three lines.
R5-1 is shown as a square white sign with a solid red disc in the middle. The words "DO NOT" and "ENTER" are shown in white above and below, respectively, a thick horizontal white line.
R5-1a is shown as a horizontal rectangular red sign with a white border and the words "WRONG WAY" in white on two lines.
R6-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular black sign with a white border. The words "ONE WAY" in black are superimposed on a large left-pointing white arrow.
R6-2 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "ONE WAY" in black on two lines above a left-pointing black arrow.
R8-3 is shown as a square white sign with a black border and legend. A large black "P" is shown with a red circle and diagonal red slash running from the upper left to the lower right superimposed on it.
R9-8 is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK" in black on two lines.
Continue to: Sheet 2