2009 Edition Part 8 Figure 8B-3. Crossbuck Assembly with a YIELD or STOP Sign on a Separate Sign Support (Sheet 2 of 2)
Figure 8B-3. Crossbuck Assembly with a YIELD or STOP Sign on a Separate Sign Support (Sheet 2 of 2)
This figure shows two examples of how a STOP sign is mounted separately but next to a Crossbuck sign.
The first example shows the signs in a rural area. It shows a STOP sign mounted on a sign support to the right of a traveled way. An optional red retroreflective strip shown as a dimensioned width of 2 inches is shown attached on the front of the sign support. The base of the sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 5 ft MIN. from the ground. The left edge of the sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 6 ft MIN from the near edge of the traveled way.
An R15-1 Crossbuck sign with the words "RAILROAD CROSSING" and mounted on a sign support is shown to the right of the STOP sign. The bottom side of the bottom left arm of the Crossbuck sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 2 inches MIN. from the top of the northeast octagonal section of the STOP sign. The Crossbuck sign is shown with a white retroreflective strip at a dimensioned width of 2 inches attached on the front and back of the sign support at a dimensioned distance of 2 ft MAX from the ground.
The second example shows the signs in an area with pedestrian movements or parking. It shows a taller STOP sign mounted on a sign support to the right of a curb. An optional red retroreflective strip shown as a dimensioned width of 2 inches is shown attached on the front of the sign support. The base of the sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 7 ft MIN. from the ground. The left edge of the sign is shown as a dimensioned distance of 2 ft MIN from the near edge of the face of the curb.
An R15-1 Crossbuck sign with the words "RAILROAD CROSSING" and mounted on a sign support is shown to the right of the STOP sign. The left arms of the Crossbuck sign are shown a dimensioned distance of 2 inches MIN. to the right of the STOP sign. The Crossbuck sign is shown with a white retroreflective strip at a dimensioned width of 2 inches attached on the front and back of the sign support at a dimensioned distance of 2 ft MAX from the ground.
Notes state: "STOP signs are used only at passive crossings and only if an engineering study determines that it is appropriate for that particular approach. Place the face of the signs in the same plane and place the STOP sign closest to the traveled way. Provide a 2-inch minimum separation between the edge of the Crossbuck sign and the edge of the STOP sign."
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