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Full-size image of Figure 2D-10

Figure 2D-10. Example of Weigh Station Signing

This figure illustrates an example of weigh station signing.

The figure shows two vertical lanes of one direction of a divided highway. Inverted Ts are shown indicating signs to the right of the highway and on the gore between the through lanes and the exit ramp. A legend shows an arrow indicating the direction of travel on the roadway.

Arrows indicate that the direction of travel is from the bottom of the figure to the top. A broken white line separates the two lanes. Two-thirds from the bottom of the page, an exit ramp is shown branching off from the right lane.

At the bottom of the page, a sign labeled D8-1 is shown to the right of the highway. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and the words "WEIGH STATION 1 MILE" in white on three lines. It is shown as a dimension of 1.6 km (1 mile) in advance of a sign on the gore.

One-third from the bottom of the page, a sign labeled R13-1 is shown to the right of the highway. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular black sign with a white border and the words "ALL TRUCKS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES NEXT RIGHT" in white on four lines. To the right of this sign, the note "Black on white or white on black (use only if required by law)" is shown. The sign is shown as a dimension of 1.2 km (4,000 ft) Approx. in advance of a sign on the gore.

Half way up the page, a sign labeled D8-2 is shown to the right of the highway. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and the words "WEIGH STATION NEXT RIGHT" in white on three lines. It is shown as a dimension of 150 m (500 ft) MIN. in advance of a sign on the gore.

Two-thirds up the page, a D8-3 sign is shown on the gore. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and the words "WEIGH STATION" in white on two lines above a diagonal white arrow pointing up and to the right.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024