Standard Highway Signs 2004 Known Errors
Warning Signs
- On page 2-127, “P” is missing from the W16-8P plaque designation.
Guide Signs
- In the table on page 3-1, Series E shown for the INTERSTATE legend on 3-digit interstate route shields in column L is incorrect. The correct series is C to match the 1- and 2-digit versions of the interstate route shield.
Standard Alphabets
- In the text and figure on p. 9-5, the lower-case letter and loop heights are incorrect. The correct dimensions are 3 inches for a lower-case letter and "x" in Figure 6, and 3.06 inches for the height above the baseline for a rounded lower-case letter and "o" in Figure 6. A more detailed explanation of lower-case letter heights is provided in Section 2A.13 of the MUTCD.