MUTCD 11th Edition Known Errors
As of January 24, 2025
The FHWA intends to correct these errors via a future rulemaking action. This list of known errors is provided solely for the information of MUTCD users and does not constitute official changes to the MUTCD at this time. Items ending with (NEW) represent those added since the last posting on the MUTCD website on May 10, 2024. Please note that minor errata such as punctuation, although being tracked by FHWA, is not listed.
Part 1
Section 1B.01
- Paragraphs 02 and 03: The words “publicly owned” and “privately owned” should be hyphenated. (NEW)
Section 1B.06
- Paragraph 04: The phrase "futurefor consideration in the next rulemaking" should be changed to "future rulemaking."
Section 1B.07
- Paragraphs 11 and 13: The reference to "Paragraph 09” should be changed to “Paragraph 10.”
Section 1C.02
- Paragraph 03 Definitions 54, 130, 154: “A” should not be capitalized. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03, Definition 58: “having” should be deleted. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03: Definitions 111, 158, and 159 are out of alphabetical order.
- Paragraph 03, Definition 120: “elimination of a through lane by” should be deleted. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03, Definition 187: “An” should not be capitalized. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03, Definition 229: “See” should not be capitalized. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03, Definition 247: “Roadways” should not be capitalized. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03, Definition 247: The words “publicly owned” and “privately owned” should be hyphenated. (NEW)
Part 2
Section 2A.04
- Paragraph 23: The word “interior” should be placed between “the” and “housing” in the last sentence.
Figure 2A-3
- Drawing B, the arrow pointing between the STOP sign and the STOP sign location should be changed to a single-headed arrow pointing to the location with no arrowhead pointing to the STOP sign.
Figure 2A-4
- Sheet 4 of 4: The lane-use arrow pavement markings on the main figure and in the inset should be changed from normal to curved-stem lane-use arrow pavement markings to match the regulatory and guide signs. (NEW)
Section 2A.07
- Paragraph 03: The word “Minimum” should not be capitalized. (NEW)
Section 2A.13
- Paragraph 01: The words “all four sheets in” should be removed. (NEW)
- Paragraph 02: The words “all four sheets in” should be removed. (NEW)
Table 2A-5
- The name of the W11-8 sign should be changed from “Fire Station” to “Emergency Vehicle.” (NEW)
Table 2B-1
- On Sheet 5 of 6, the misspelling of “No All-Terrian Vehicles” should be corrected to “No All-Terrain Vehicles.” (NEW)
Section 2B.10
- Paragraph 02: Items D and E should be sub-items 1 and 2 of Item C.
Section 2B.21
- Paragraph 07, Item E: The misspelling “precentile” should be corrected to “percentile."
- Paragraph 18: The reference to “Traffic Control Device Handbook” should be changed to “ITE Traffic Control Devices Handbook - 2nd Edition, 2013”.
Section 2B.27
- Paragraph 05: The word “lane” in the first sentence should have the first letter in upper-case to become “Lane.”
Figure 2B-9
- Sheet 1 of 3: The north arrow should be facing to the right instead of upwards.
Figure 2B-22 and 2B-23
- The Roundabout Circulation Plaque (R6-5P) should be marked “(optional).” (NEW, Figure 2B-23)
Section 2B.52
- Paragraph 04: The period at the end of Item B should be deleted.
Section 2B.53
- Paragraph 27: The word “the” between “with” and “those” should be deleted. The period should be moved outside of the parentheses.
Figure 2B-27
- Sign R10-3b: A short line should be added under the phase “START CROSSING” and “DON’T START”. (NEW)
Section 2B.59
- Paragraph 03: The extra parenthesis after the word “green” should be deleted. The parenthesis after the word “STOP” should be deleted.
- Paragraph 09. The word “STEADY” should be removed from “STOP ON STEADY RED YIELD ON FLASHING RED AFTER STOP.”
- Paragraph 09: “RED-YIELD" should be changed to “RED–YIELD”. (NEW)
Figure 2C-2
- Sheet 1 of 2: The W13-1P plaques, the W13-1aP plaques, and Note 4 should all show “35 MPH.”
Section 2C.12
- Paragraph 09: The word “Speed” should be added to “Combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Exit signs” to read “Combination Horizontal Alignment/Advisory Exit Speed signs.”
- Paragraph 17: Do not italicize this paragraph. (NEW)
Figure 2C-3
- Sheet 3, Item C – Chevron Alignment (W1-8) signs are missing from outside of the controlling curve ramp proper. (NEW)
Figure 2C-13
- Sheets 1, 2, and 3: The word “optional” should be removed adjacent to the W16-2P sign. (NEW)
Section 2C.60
- Paragraph 02: The text, “6 months”, should be changed to, “12 months”, to be aligned with the provisions for the NEW plaque (W16-15P) in Section 2A.11.
Table 2D-2
- Sheet 1 of 2, for Post-Mounted Signs in the rows under Item B. Destination and Other Guide Signs:
- The Distance Numerals should be corrected to 4 inches on single-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Distance Fraction Numerals should be corrected to 3 inches on single-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Distance Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 3 inches on single-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Action Message Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 4 inches on single-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Distance Numerals should be corrected to 6 inches on multi-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Distance Fraction Numerals should be corrected to 4.5 inches on multi-lane roadways less than 30 mph (NEW)
- The Distance Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 4.5 inches on multi-lane roadways less than 30 mph. (NEW)
- Sheet 2 of 2, Row 2: The text “, U.S., State,” should be deleted.
- Sheet 2 of 2, for Overhead-Mounted Signs in the rows under Item A. Intersection or Interchange Advance Guide Signs and Entrance Direction Guide Signs:
- The Distance Fraction Numerals should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
- The Distance Words - Upper-Case should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
- The Action Message Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
- Sheet 2 of 2, for Overhead-Mounted Signs in the rows under Item B. Destination and Other Guide Signs:
- The Distance Fraction Numerals should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
- A blank space should be added between “than” and “55”. (NEW)
- The Distance Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
- The Action Message Words – Upper-Case should be corrected to 8 inches minimum and 10 inches desirable on roadways greater than 55 mph. (NEW)
Figure 2D-2
- A – Cardinal directions and orientations, notes under the sign on the right: The words “’South’ is a cardinal direction” should be changed to “’South’ is a pre-directional designation.”
Section 2D.08
- Paragraph 25: The reference to “Section 2D.41” should be changed to “Section 2E.41.”
Section 2D.09
- Paragraph 05: The reference to “Paragraph 6” should be changed to “Paragraph 7.”
Section 2D.25
- Paragraph 01: The reference to “Chapter 6F” should be changed to “Chapter 6I.”
Table 2D-5
- The row corresponding to 10.67- to 13.33-inch principal legend height should be split into two rows. (NEW)
- In the row corresponding to a 13.33-inch principal legend height, the minimum height of the turn arrow should be corrected to 25.333 inches. (NEW)
- In the row corresponding to a 10.67-inch principal legend height, the minimum height of the straight arrow should be corrected to 25.5 inches, and the minimum height of the turn arrow should be corrected to 20.188 inches. (NEW)
- In the row corresponding to an 8-inch principal legend height, the minimum height of the straight arrow should be corrected to 21 inches, and the minimum height of the turn arrow should be corrected to 16.625 inches. (NEW)
Figure 2D-13
- Sheet 1 of 3, Drawing A: The County Name legend is missing from the independently mounted County Route (M1-6) signs.
Section 2D.45
- Paragraph 09: Add the words “the combination of lower-case letters with” between the words “are” and “the” in the last sentence.
- Paragraph 35: The reference to Paragraphs “3, 4, 6, 9, 12 through 14, and 18 through 20” should be corrected to “5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, and 28 through 30.”
Section 2D.51
- Paragraph 03, Item A, and Paragraph 7: The language “Weigh Station Advance (D8-1)” should be changed to “Weigh Station Advance (D8-1a) or Advance Weigh Station Distance (D8-1)” to allow the use of a D8-1a sign as shown in Figure 2D-23.
Figure 2D-23
- Footnote *: The sign designation “D8-1” should be added between “D8-1a” and “or” to read “D8-1a, D8-1, or the D8-2 sign.”
- The asterisk note should be revised to replace “within the sign border or on a supplemental sign panel” with “on the sign or on a supplemental plaque or sign panel.” (NEW)
- Next to the Weigh Station Ahead (D8-1a) sign, the word “or” should be added and an Advance Weigh Station Distance (D8-1) sign should be shown.
Figures 2D-26 and 2D-27
- The word “optional” should be removed adjacent to the W16-2P plaque. (NEW)
Section 2D.54
- Paragraph 01: Delete the word “Advance” between the words “Turn-Out” and “(D17-5).”
Section 2D.55
- Paragraphs 33 and 34: The reference to “Section 1C.05” should be changed to “Section 1A.05.”
Figure 2D-39
- In Note 2, the text “clockwise” should be corrected to “counterclockwise.” (NEW)
Section 2E.03
- Paragraph 01, Item H: The Item “At-Grade Intersection signs (see Section 2E.58);” should be deleted and the remaining Items re-lettered.
Section 2E.07
- Paragraph 04: The referenced edition of the AASHTO Guidelines for Supplemental Guide Signing should be changed from “4th” to “5th.”
Table 2E-4
- In the Overhead column an asterisk should be added with a corresponding note below the table stating, “Where a larger size is shown for the interchange classification of the interchange, that larger size is used for overhead-mounted guide signs for that interchange.” The existing single asterisks in the Numerals row for the Major, Category a and Overhead columns and the corresponding note should be changed to a double asterisk.
Table 2E-5
- In the row under Item L. Overhead Arrow-per-Lane Signs:
- The Arrowhead (Type D Directional Arrow) should be corrected to 20/16.25. (NEW)
- The Arrow Shaft Width should be corrected to 7.5/6.094. (NEW)
- The Arrow Height of the Through arrow should be corrected to 48/39. (NEW)
- The Arrow Heights of the Left Only and Right Only arrows should be corrected to 38/30.875. (NEW)
- The Arrow Height of the Optional-Diverge (Through with Left or Right) arrow should be corrected to 48/39. (NEW)
- The Arrow Height of the Optional-Split (Left and Right) arrow should be corrected to 42/34.125. (NEW)
Figure 2E-2
- To the right of match line B: the distances shown on the advance guide signs should be ½ MILE and 1 MILE.
Section 2E.22
- Paragraph 20: In the second sentence the order of the words “exit” and “interchange” should be switched to read “interchange exit.” (NEW)
Figures 2E-3, 2E-5, 2E-8, 2E-11, 2E-26, 2E-27, 2E-28, 2E-29, 2E-30, 2E-31, 2E-32, 2E-56, and 2E-58
- In the legend, within the text “Reference location sign” the word “sign” should be deleted. (NEW)
Figure 2E-6
- I-407: The reference location numbers and associated interchange and exit numbers should be corrected ascending from west to east. (NEW)
- In the legend, within the text “Reference location sign” the word “sign” should be deleted. (NEW)
- In the inset, the “Spur” label for I-407 should be corrected to “Loop” and the exit numbers “47 A” and “47 B” should be corrected to “1 A” and “1 B.” (NEW)
Figure 2E-7
- I-3: The symbol showing the “Junction of two Interstate routes” and Interchange numbers 11 and 15 between reference location signs 11 and 12 should be removed.
- I-3 and I-103 (north) Inset: The interstate shield “I-407” should be changed to “I-103”.
- I-3: Interchange number 1 should be changed to Interchange number 4, and the asterisk should be deleted.
- I-303: A “Spur” label should be added.
- I-303: Interchange number 4 should be changed to Interchange number 1, and an asterisk should be added.
- I-3 and I-303 (South) Inset: The geometry and direction (to the East) of I-203 should be changed to match the direction (to the West) of I-303, the I-203 symbol should be changed to I-303, and the “Loop” label should be changed to “Spur.”
- In the legend, within the text “Reference location sign” the word “sign” should be deleted. (NEW)
Section 2E.23
- Paragraph 07: The words “but not more than 1 mile” should be deleted.
Section 2E.24
- Paragraph 10: The reference to “Section 2A.14” should be changed to “Section 2A.15”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 11: The word “exit” should be added between the words “interchange” and “numbers.” (NEW)
Section 2E.28
- Paragraph 01: The Section reference “2E.39 through 2E.42” should be changed to “2E.39, 2E.40, and 2E.42.”
- Paragraph 02: The Paragraph reference “15” should be changed to “14.”
- Paragraph 11: The words “post-mounted and overhead” should be switched in order to read “overhead and post-mounted” to correspond with the reference to Figures 2E-20 and 2E-21, respectively.
Section 2E.30
- Paragraph 02: The word “interchanges” should be changed to “interchange”.
Figure 2E-20
- The north arrow should be facing to the right instead of left.
Figure 2E-23
- Drawing A: The down arrow on the overhead interchange advance guide sign should be moved below the ½ MILE distance legend.
- Drawings A and B: The W4-2R signs should be located at the advanced placement distance.
- Drawing B: The word “optional” should be added adjacent to the W9-1R sign and a W16-2P plaque should be added below the W9-1R sign. (NEW)
Section 2E.39
- Paragraph 02: The words “either the” should be deleted between the words “expressways,” and “Overhead.” The Section reference “Sections 2E.40 and 2E.41” should be “Section 2E.40”
Figures 2E-39 and 2E-40
- An E11-1e sign panel should be added to the Exit Direction sign at the theoretical gore. (NEW)
Table 2E-6
- In the top row, the misspelling “Principle” should be corrected to “Principal.”
- In the row corresponding to a 20-inch principal legend letter height:
- The height of the Turn Arrow should be corrected to 38 inches. (NEW)
- The height of the Split Arrow should be corrected to 42 inches. (NEW)
- In the row corresponding to a 16-inch principal legend letter height:
- The height of the Through Arrow should be corrected to 39 inches. (NEW)
- The height of the Turn Arrow should be corrected to 30.875 inches. (NEW)
- The height of the Through with Turn Arrow should be corrected to 39 inches. (NEW)
- The height of the Split Arrow should be corrected to 34.125 inches. (NEW)
Figure 2E-41
- Drawing D: The exit number suffix on the right exit number plaque should be changed from “A” to “B”.
Section 2E.42
- Paragraph 06: The words “either full-width or” should be deleted.
- Paragraph 09: The words “the modified” should be replaced with “partial-width”.
Section 2E.43
- Paragraph 01: The reference to 2A.13 should be corrected to 2A.14. (NEW)
Section 2E.45
- Paragraph 02, Item C: The words “with an initial upper-case letter” should be added between the words “heights” and “of”.
Section 2E.49
- Paragraph 04: The section reference “2E.47” should be changed to “2E.48”.
Section 2F.06
- Paragraph 03: The word “overhead” should be deleted between the words “installed” and “at”.
Section 2F.08
- In the Section Title: The name of the W9-6f warning sign should be corrected to “Stop Ahead Take Ticket”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 03: The name of the W9-6f warning sign should be corrected to “Stop Ahead Take Ticket”. (NEW)
Section 2F.09
- In the Section Title: The name of the W9-6hP warning plaque should be corrected to “Stop Ahead Take Ticket”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 02: The name of the W9-6f warning sign and W9-6hP warning plaque should be corrected to “Stop Ahead Take Ticket”. (NEW)
Figure 2F-15
- On the second sign assembly in the sequence from the south, the distance on the right sign should be changed to ½ MILE. (NEW)
Section 2F.17
- Paragraph 04: The reference, “(See Drawing B in Figure 2F-12)” should be deleted as the sign described in the Option is not shown in the figure.
Section 2F.18
- Paragraph 03: The reference, “(see Figure 2F-8)” should be deleted. Although the right sign in Drawing C includes the NO TOLL panel, the sign is not an Exit Gore sign as described in the Option.
Section 2G.03
- Paragraph 15: The reference to “Section 2A.14” should be changed to “Section 2A.15” and the text “or shoulder” should be added after the word “roadway”.
Section 2G.04
- Paragraph 02, Sentence 3: The word “to” between the words “not” and “be” should be deleted.
Figure 2G-2
- The R3-11a signs incorrectly show “2 RIGHT LANES” and should be corrected to “LEFT LANE.” (NEW)
Section 2G.05
- Paragraph 06: The sign designations “R3-11g, R3-14e, and R3-14g” should be deleted. (NEW)
- Paragraph 07: The sign designation “R3-11g” should be added and the sign designations “R3-14d, and R3-14f” should be changed to “R3-14a, and R3-14c.” (NEW)
- Paragraph 08: The text “R3-11c sign” should be replaced with “Preferential Lane Operation (R3-11 and R3-14 series) signs”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 09: The sign designations “R3-11g, R3-14e, and R3-14g” should be deleted. (NEW)
- Paragraph 15: The reference to “Paragraph 14 of this Section” should be changed to “Paragraph 13 of this Section”.
Section 2G.17
- Paragraph 05: The words “EXPRESS LANE(S)” should be changed to “EXPRESS or EXPRESS LANE(S)”. (NEW)
Section 2G.18
- Paragraph 05: The reference to “Figure 2G-19” should be changed to “Figure 2G-18”.
- Paragraph 06: The language “priced managed lane HOV Lane Operation (R3-44 or R3-44a) sign” should be changed to “Priced Managed Lane Operation (R3-44, R3-44a, or R3-44b) sign”.
Figure 2G-18
- On the Priced Managed Lane Toll Rate (R3-48a) sign in the lower left corner of the figure the legend “ONLY” should be corrected to “TOLL.” (NEW)
Figure 2G-32
- Sheet 1 of 4, **Footnote: The R3-51d sign name “TRAVEL ON SHOULDER ALLOWED WHEN FLASHING” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Variable Operation”. (NEW)
Section 2G.21
- Paragraph 04: The R3-52c sign name “TRAVEL ON SHOULDER BEGINS ½ MILE” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Begins Advance”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 05: The R3-52a sign name “TRAVEL ON SHOULDER ENDS” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Ends Advance” and the R3-52 sign name “END TRAVEL ON SHOULDER” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Ends”. (NEW)
Section 2G.23
- Paragraph 04: The text “Advance Emergency Turn-Out (D17-5) sign and” should be added between the words “the” and “Emergency”. (NEW)
Section 2G.24
- Paragraph 05: The R3-51d sign name “TRAVEL ON SHOULDER ALLOWED WHEN FLASHING” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Variable Operation”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 06: The R3-51e sign name “TRAVEL ON SHOULDER ON GREEN ARROW ONLY” should be changed to “Part-Time Travel on Shoulder on Green Arrow”. (NEW)
Section 2G.26
- Paragraph 03: The reference to “Section 1C.05” should be changed to “Section 1A.05”.
Figure 2H-1
- The capitalization of “Advance Turn and Directional Arrow Auxiliary Plaques for use with General Information Signs” should be changed to “Advance Turn and Directional Arrow auxiliary plaques for use with General Information signs.” (to be consistent with Figure 2I-1). (NEW)
Section 2H.03
- Paragraph 01: The heading of this paragraph should be changed from “Support” to “Option”. (NEW)
Table 2H-1
- The information for the Next EV Charging (D9-17a) sign should be removed from Table 2I-1, added to Table 2H-1, and the column 3 Section reference should be changed from “2H, 2J” to “2H.14, 2J.06.” (NEW)
Section 2H.12
- Paragraph 05: The phrase “Except as provided in Paragraph 6 of this Section” should be deleted.
Section 2H.14
- Paragraph 08: The second use of the phrase “alternative fuels corridor” between the words “the” and “sign” should be capitalized to appear as “Alternative Fuels Corridor”.
Table 2I-1
- Sheet 1: The size of the Rest Area Gore (D5-2a) sign for Expressway should be changed from 66 x 72* to 66 x 66*. (NEW)
- Sheet 1: The size of the Parking Area Gore (D5-9b) sign for Conventional Road should be changed from 62 x 48* to 60 x 48* and for Expressway should be changed from 88 x 66* to 84 x 66*. (NEW)
- Sheet 1: The size of the Picnic Area Gore (D5-10b) sign for Freeway should be changed from 92 x 78* to 84 x 78* and for Expressway should be changed from 76 x 66* to 72 x 66*. (NEW)
- Sheet 1: The size of the Scenic Area Gore (D5-11b) sign for Freeway should be changed from 92 x 78* to 90 x 78* and for Expressway should be changed from 76 x 66* to 78 x 66*. (NEW)
- Sheet 2: The Information for the Next EV Charging (D9-17a) sign should be removed from Table 2I-1 and added to Table 2H-1. (NEW)
Figure 2I-1
- Signs D9-11d, D9-11e, D9-11f, and D9-11g should include “Alternative Fuel - ” before each sign name as follows “Alternative Fuel – Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),” “Alternative Fuel – Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG),” “Alternative Fuel – Hydrogen Fuel (HYD),” and “Alternative Fuel – Biofuel (BIO).” (to be consistent with the sign names in Table 2I-1). (NEW)
Section 2I.03
- Between Paragraphs 05 and 06: The header “Guidance” should be deleted.
- Paragraph 26: The bold font should be removed to indicate an Option statement.
Section 2J.03
- Paragraph 11: The service category “attraction” should be added to the Option.
Table 2L-4
- Example 6: The word “MILE” in the improved message should be changed to “MILES”.
Table 2M-1
- Smoking* (RS-002) should be moved from Accommodations to General (to be consistent with Figure 2M-5 for General Applications) (NEW)
Part 3
Section 3B.01
- Between Paragraphs 06 and 07: The header “Guidance” should be changed to “Support”.
- Paragraph 07: The font should not be italicized to indicate a Support statement.
- Between Paragraphs 07 and 08: The header “Guidance” should be added.
Figure 3B-9
- Drawings A and C: The dashed line separating the lane taper and the full width lane should have a label that designates the point where the full lane width begins. (NEW)
Section 3B.12
- Paragraph 07, Item B: The reference to “Drawing F in Figure 3B-21” should be changed to “Drawing I in Figure 3B-21”.
Section 3B.14
- Paragraph 05: The word “Warning” should be added between “In-Roadway” and “Lights”. (NEW)
Figure 3B-14
- Both drawings A – Lane reduction and B – Lane reduction with lateral shift to the left: The W4-2R signs should be located at the advanced placement distance where the W9-1R and W16-2P signs and plaques are shown. The W9-1R and W16-2P signs and plaques should be shown at a location in advance of the W4-2R signs.
Section 3B.17
- Paragraph 04: The reference to “Section 6J.02” should be changed to “Section 6J.03”.
Figure 3B-21
- Drawing E: "U-Turn and through lane-use arrow” should be revised to “U-Turn and turn lane-use arrow.”
Figure 3B-22
- The northbound and southbound left turn lane dotted extension lines should be called out as optional. (NEW)
Section 3E.02
- Between paragraphs 10 and 11, “Support:” should be deleted. (NEW)
Figure 3E-4
- The figure title should be changed to “Markings for Counter-Flow Preferential Lanes on Divided Highways”. (NEW)
Section 3H.03
- Paragraph 13: The word “illustrations” should be replaced with “illusions”. (NEW)
Section 3H.07
- Paragraph 07: The words "or dotted” should be added to the Option provision between “broken” and “pattern”.
Figure 3H-5
- A – Bus only lane: The longitudinal marking between the general-purpose traffic lane and the preferential lane for transit should be a wide broken single white lane line rather than a wide solid single white lane line for the portion adjacent to parallel on-street parking.
Part 4
Section 4A.05
- Paragraph 1, Item A: The comma in the first sentence “…adjacent to the signal face, Bicyclists proceeding…” should be replaced with a period. (NEW)
Table 4C-1
- Above the second sub-table add the text “Condition B—Interruption of Continuous Traffic.”
Figure 4C-7
- In the parentheses below the figure title, “40 MPH” should be changed to “35 MPH”.
Figure 4C-8
- In the parentheses below the figure title, “40 MPH” should be changed to “35 MPH”.
Section 4D.11
- Paragraph 09 should be labeled as a Support statement. (NEW)
Section 4E.04
- Paragraph 05: Add Figure “4F-3” to the list of figures in parenthesis.
Figure 4F-14
- A-Typical Position: Add ** to the green arrow signal face (rightmost signal face).
Section 4H.03
- Paragraph 02: An R10-41c should be added to the list of signs in parenthesis. (NEW)
Figure 4I-4
- Footnote **: The Section reference should be changed from “Section 4I.07” to “Section 4I.06”.
Section 4J.02
- Paragraph 08: The word “STEADY” should be removed from “STOP ON STEADY RED—YIELD ON FLASHING RED AFTER STOP”.
Section 4L.02
Section 4U.02
- Between Paragraph 02 and 03: The reference number for the paragraph that starts with, “If In-Roadway Warning Lights are used…”, is missing and should be added as “03.” The subsequent paragraphs should be re-numbered as “04” through “15”.
- Paragraph 11: The word legend “Push Button To Turn On Warning Lights/WAIT FOR GAP IN TRAFFIC” should be changed to “PUSH BUTTON FOR WARNING LIGHTS/WAIT FOR GAP IN TRAFFIC”.
Part 5
Section 5B.04
- Paragraph 01: The word “AVs” should be added after “to support” to read “Agencies seeking to better accommodate driving automation systems to support AVs,..".
Part 6
Table 6B-1
- Under the double asterisk, the period is missing at the end of the sentence “** The column headings A, B, and C are the dimensions shown in Figures 6P‑1 through 6P‑54” (NEW)
Table 6G-1
- Section reference for “Wait on Stop – Go on Slow” (R1-7a) sign: The reference “6G.03” should be changed to “6L.03”. (NEW)
Section 6G.05
- Paragraph 01: The word “user” should be changed to “users” and “flow” should be changed to “follow” in the sentence, “Local Traffic Only signs (see Figure 6G-1) should be used where road user flow detours to avoid a closure some distance beyond the sign,”. (NEW)
Table 6H-1
- The row referencing “Bike Diversion (with distance) W20-2b" should be removed from the table.
Section 6H.12
- Paragraph 01: The reference to “Figure 6H-1” should be changed to “Figure 6I-1”.
Section 6H.32
- Paragraph 02: The statement, “The plaque shall be at least 24 x 24 inches in size when used with a sign that is 36 x 36 inches or larger”, should be removed. [This is left over from the 2009 edition of the MUTCD. The Conventional Road size for the Advisory Speed Plaque (W13-1P) was reduced in Table 6H-1 from 24 x 24 in the 2009 edition to 18 x 18 in the 11th edition to be consistent with Table 2C-1.] (NEW)
Section 6H.34
- The Section title should be changed from “Motorcycle Plaque (W8-15P)” to “Motorcycle Plaque (W8-15aP)”. (NEW)
- Paragraph 01: The reference should be changed from “Motorcycle (W8-15P) plaque” to “Motorcycle (W8-15aP) plaque”. (NEW)
Section 6I.01
- Paragraph 07: The paragraph should be labeled as a Standard and the text displayed in bold font.
Figure 6K-1
- The “More than 36 inches” tall cone shown in Figure 6K-1 should show the alternating orange and white retroreflective stripes that are 4 to 6 inches wide per paragraph 3 of Section 6K.03 Cones. (NEW)
Section 6L.05
- Paragraph 09: The reference to “Table 2A-5” should be change to “Table 2A-2”.
Section 6N.04
- Paragraph 06, first sentence: The word “short-term” should be added between the words “for” and “and mobile” to read “Except for short-term and mobile operations”.
Section 6N.19
- Paragraph 03: The reference to “R9-4a” should be changed to “R4-9a”.
Figure 6N-1
- The designation “R9-4a” should be changed to “R4-9a”.
Figure 6P-5
- The sign designation “W16-2P” should be changed to “W16-2aP”.
- The advance warning sign spacing should be changed from “C-B-A” to be “A-B-C”. (NEW)
Figure 6P-7
- The misspelling “Typical Appiication 7” should be corrected to “Typical Application 7”.
Figure 6P-10
- The W16-2P on the bottom of the figure should have (Optional) below it to match the opposite approach. (NEW)
Figures 6P-22, 6P-23, 6P-24, and 6P-25
- The word “optional” should be removed adjacent to the arrow board. (NEW)
Figure 6P-23
- An arrow panel should be added where the left lane closure begins. (NEW)
Figure 6P-25
- Delineation should be added adjacent to the arrow panel. (NEW)
Figure 6P-28
- Replace “60 inches MIN.” with “See Note 14 for width”. (NEW)
Figures 6P-47, 6P-48, and 6P-50
- The word legend on the sign labeled “R9-20” should be corrected to “ALLOWED USE OF FULL LANE”.
Figure 6P-49
- The third PATH CLOSED (R11-2c) sign from the top of the diagram should be displayed right-side up.
Part 7
Section 7B.03
- Paragraph 11: The reference to “Figure 7B-4” should be changed to “Figure 7B-1”.
Part 8
Section 8A.11
- Paragraph 02: Commas should be inserted before “where” and after “Zone”. (NEW)
Section 8B.08
- Paragraph 04: Extra period should be deleted at the end of the sentence. (NEW)
Section 8D.03
- Paragraph 05: The word “arm” should be added in the final sentence between “gate” and “shall”. (NEW)
Section 8D.05
- Paragraph 07, Sentence 4: The word “queue” should be deleted (NEW)
Section 8E.08
- Paragraph 04: A comma should be inserted after “horizontally”. (NEW)
Part 9
Section 9A.01
- Between Paragraphs 05 and 06: The header “Support” should be deleted.
Table 9A-1
- A new row should be added as follows: Overhead Bicycle Signal (R10-40, R10-40a, R10-41, R10-41a, R10-41b, R10-41c), 9B.22, -, 24 x 36. (NEW)
Section 9B.02
- Paragraph 03: Sign designation “W16-20P” should be “R3-7bP”.
Figure 9B-5
- Title of figure should be changed from "Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Box when Use is Mandatory" to "Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Box where Use is Mandatory."
- The NO TURN ON CIRCULAR RED (R10-11a) signs should be changed to NO TURN ON RED (R10-11) signs.
Section 9C.04
- Between Paragraphs 03 and 04: The header “Guidance” should be added.
- Between Paragraphs 04 and 05: the header “Guidance” should be removed.
- Paragraph 04: Change from regular font to italicized font, as this paragraph is Guidance, not an Option.
Section 9D.01
- Section title: Change the phrase, “Bicycle Destination Signs” to “Bicycle Destination and Distance Signs”.
Section 9D.04
- Paragraph 02: Add the word “and” between “Highway” and “Transportation”.
Section 9D.05
- Paragraph 01: Change the phrase, “the Bicycle Route (M1-8 or M1-8a) sign” to “the Numbered Bicycle Route (M1-8 or M1-8a) sign”.
Section 9D.08
- Between Paragraphs 12 and 13: The header “Support” should be added.
Section 9D.13
- Between Paragraphs 08 and 09: The header “Support” should be added.
Figure 9D-7
- Change title from "…when Use is Optional" to "…where Use is Optional".
Section 9E.02
- Paragraph 06: Add the phrase "or word marking" after the phrase "bicycle symbol".
Section 9E.05
- Paragraph 03: Change the word “circular” to “circulatory”.
- Paragraph 08: The text “The FHWA’s information guide ‘Improving Intersections for Pedestrians and Bicycles’” should be changed to “The ‘Improving Intersections for Pedestrians and Bicyclists Informational Guide’ (FHWA-SA-22-017), FHWA”.
Section 9E.07
- Paragraph 14: Add the phrase, “edges of the” between the words “The” and “buffer space”.
Figure 9E-7
- Drawings D and F: Edge line extension pavement markings in the form of a dotted line from the southern quadrant to the eastern quadrant of the intersection should be added in addition to the tubular markers with a callout indicating “optional”.
- Drawing G: In the northern quadrant of the intersection, the stop line should be placed for southbound traffic, not northbound traffic. The edge line extension from the southern quadrant to the eastern quadrant of the intersection should be corrected to a dotted line with a callout indicating "optional".
Section 9E.11
- Paragraph 04, Item C: Delete the word “or” from the phrase “parallel or motor”.
Section 9E.17
- Paragraph 08: Change the phrase, “If used in buffer-separated bicycle lanes” to “If used in separated bicycle lanes”.
Appendix A2
Table A2-4. Conversion of Miles per Hour to Kilometers/Hour
- In the fourth table of four, the conversion showing 65 mph to 110 km/h should be changed to a conversion showing 70 mph to 110 km/h.