Known Errors
in the 2003 MUTCD
[NOTE: FHWA intends to correct these errors via a future rulemaking action. This list of known errors is provided solely for the information of MUTCD users and does not constitute official changes to the MUTCD at this time.]
Page |
Error |
I-5 |
the list of compliance dates in the Introduction, for Section
2E.28 the compliance date for LEFT on exit number plaques
for left exits should be 15 years, rather than 5 years, from
the effective date of the final rule for the 2003 MUTCD. [Compliance
date of 15 years was proposed in the NPA and confirmed in
the Final Rule in the Federal Register, but a typographical
error occurred in the final page images of the MUTCD.] |
2A-9 |
Figure 2A-1, dimensions shown for the lateral offset to the
edge of signs in the four illustrations denoted as "Rural
Districts" should be as follows: In the illustrations
of the STOP sign, the Turn sign with 25 MPH advisory plaque,
and the assembly of route signs, the dimension should be "Not
less than 3.7 m (12 ft) from edge of traveled way"; in
the illustration of the Curve sign, the dimension should be
"Not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from edge of shoulder"
and the shoulder should be labeled as "SHOULDER AT LEAST
1.8 m (6 ft) WIDE". [Applicable text of Section
2A.19 was revised in final rule for 2003 MUTCD but Figure
2A-1 was inadvertently not updated to match text.]
2B-2 |
Table 2B-1 (sheet 1 of 5) the Conventional Road size of the
To Oncoming Traffic (R1-2a) sign should be 600 x 450 mm (24
x 18 in); and the Truck Speed Limit (Metric) (R2-2) sign and
the Night Speed Limit (Metric) (R2-3) sign should both have
an Expressway size of 900 x 1200 m (36 x 48 in) and a Freeway
size of 1200 x 1500 mm (48 x 60 in). [Sign sizes in
final rule inadvertently did not match correct proportions
of these signs as illustrated in the figures and in the Standard
Highway Signs book.] |
2B-4 |
Table 2B-1 (sheet 3 of 5) a line for the Emergency Snow Route
(R7-203) sign from Section 2B.40 should be added to the table,
after the This Side of Sign (R7-202) sign. The R7-203 sign
has a conventional road size of 600 x 750 mm (24 x 30 in)
and a minimum size of 450 x 600 mm (18 x 24 in). [New
sign was included in Section 2B.40 and illustrated in Figure
2B-16 but inadvertently omitted from Table 2B-1.]
Also, there should be no values shown in the Minimum column
for the Stop Here When Flashing (R8-10) sign. [Error
in metric dimensions. Minimum size for this sign is same as
Conventional Road size.] Additionally, for the No
Hitch Hiking (R9-4) sign the size shown in the Minimum column
should be 300 x 450 mm (12 x 18 in). [Sign size in
final rule inadvertently did not match correct proportions
of this sign as illustrated in the figure and in the Standard
Highway Signs book.] |
2B-5 |
Table 2B-1 (sheet 4 of 5) the size in the Oversized column
for the No Turn on Red (R10-11, 11a) sign should be 900 x
1200 mm (36 x 48 in). ). [Sign sizes in final rule
inadvertently did not match correct proportions of these signs
as illustrated in the figures and in the Standard Highway
Signs book.] |
2B-14 |
reference to "see Section 2B.32" in the fifth line
on the page should be a reference to "see Section 2B.37".
[2000 MUTCD had correct Section number reference.
Section numbers changed in 2003 but cross-reference inadvertently
not changed in final page images.] |
2B-32 |
Figure 2B-12 (sheet 2 of 2), in the bottom left illustration,
the two arrows shown in the left half of the north-south one-way
roadway should both be pointing upward (toward the north)
rather than downward. [Arrows were shown correctly
in the 2000 MUTCD and in the NPA but were inadvertently reversed
in the figure for the final rule.] |
2B-36 |
the last paragraph of the Guidance statement, the sign number
of the VAN ACCESSIBLE plaque used to direct drivers to van-accessible
parking spaces should be R7-8b (rather than R7-8a), and it
should be mounted below the D9-6 (not D4-1) sign. Also, the
sign number of the VAN ACCESSIBLE plaque used below the R7-8
sign for a reserved parking space designated for wheelchair
vans should be R7-8a (rather than R7-8b.) [The 1998
final rule that added these plaques to the MUTCD was correct,
but there was an inadvertent error in the final text of the
2003 MUTCD.] |
2B-37 |
Figure 2B-16, the R7-2a should have a red border rather than
black. [Was correct in 2000 MUTCD and in NPA. Inadvertent
error in final figure.] |
2C-3 |
the Expressway column of the table, the sizes of 1500 x 750
and 60 x 30 (mm and inches, respectively) should be shown
on the third line from the top, for Rectangular W1 Arrows.
[The Final Rule in the Federal Register included this
addition but it was inadvertently omitted from the final text
of the figure.] |
2C-14 |
Figure 2C-4, a W3-6 sign should be added, shown as a diamond-shaped
sign with black DRAWBRIDGE AHEAD legend and border on a yellow
background. [Sign is referenced in Section 4I.02 but
inadvertently not illustrated in figure.] |
2E-59 |
Figure 2E-44, a D5-6 sign should be added, shown as a rectangular-shaped
sign with white NEXT REST AREA 24 MILES legend and border
on a blue background. [Sign is referenced in Section
2E.52 but inadvertently not illustrated in figure.] |
3B-27 |
illustration b), One-way roadway, the arrow on the R1-5 (YIELD
HERE TO PEDESTRIANS) sign on the left side of the one-way
road should point toward the road rather than away from it.
On that sign, the positions of the pedestrian symbol and the
"HERE (arrow) TO" should be reversed. [Was
correct in NPA; this figure was not in the 2000 MUTCD. Inadvertent
reversal of sign in final figure.] |
4I-1 |
the sixth paragraph of Section 4I.02 ("A DRAWBRIDGE AHEAD
warning sign…", the sign code of W3-6 and a reference
"(see Figure 2C-4)" should be added to the text.
[See error description for page 2C-14.] |
6C-9 |
dimension of the Downstream Taper should be "30 m (100
ft) MAX". [The metric equivalent of the 100 ft.
dimension was inadvertently omitted.] |
6F-3 |
Table 6F-1 (sheet 1 of 4) the Conventional Road size of the
Weight Limit (with symbols) (R12-5) sign should be 750 x 1050
mm (30 x 42 in). [Sign size in final rule inadvertently
did not match correct proportions of this sign as illustrated
in the figure and in the Standard Highway Signs book.] |
6F-8 |
reference to Section 6F.54 associated with the flag tree should
be a reference to Section 6F.57. [2000 MUTCD had correct
Section number reference. Section numbers changed in 2003
but cross-reference in notes of figure inadvertently not changed
in final page images.] |
6F-10 |
code "R11-3b" should be added below
the BRIDGE OUT sign and the word "OR" to the left
of this sign should be deleted. [Labeling error in
final figure] |
6F-31 |
height of the cone shown as the middle of the three cones
illustrated should be 700 mm (28 in) MIN. to 900 mm (36 in)
MAX. [The maximum height of the cone with two white
retroreflective bands, as noted in the text of Section 6F.59,
was inadvertently omitted.] |
6G-8 |
reference to Section 6G.15 in the last line on this page should
be a reference to Section 6G.16. [2000 MUTCD had correct
Section number reference. Section numbers changed in 2003
but cross-reference inadvertently not changed in final page
images.] |
6H-23 |
black-on-orange "END DETOUR" sign should be shown
mounted above the "WEST SR 4" route sign assembly
in the top right corner of the figure. [Was correct
in 2000 MUTCD and in NPA; inadvertently missing from final
figure.] |
6H-33 |
the top drawing, the top dimension line for the 40 to 150
ft dimension from the stop line should be to the signal heads
facing this approach. [Correctly dimensioned in 2000
MUTCD and in NPA; inadvertent error in final figure.] |
6H-43 |
arrow on the detour sign facing southbound traffic at the
bottom left intersection should point to the left, not to
the right. [Was correct in 2000 MUTCD and in NPA.
Inadvertent reversal of arrow in final figure.] |
6H-81 |
two LANE CLOSED warning signs shown near the bottom right
of the figure should indicate LEFT (not RIGHT) lane closures.
[Was correct in the NPA but inadvertently incorrect
in the final figure.] |
6H-93 |
the left drawing, the sign image for the ROAD WORK AHEAD sign
facing ramp traffic (500 feet from the end of the ramp) is
missing. Also, the extraneous Merge warning sign image (without
a leader line) located above the arrow panel on the left drawing
should be deleted. [Was correct in 2000 MUTCD and
in NPA. Inadvertent errors in final figure.] |
6H-95 |
the right drawing, the Double Lane Reverse Curve sign that
is located adjacent to the workspace should be a (single lane)
Reverse Curve sign as only one lane is being shifted back
to the original alignment. [Error was in 2000 MUTCD
also, perpetuated in NPA and inadvertently not corrected in
final page images.] |
7B-2 |
7B-1 should also include size information for the In-Street
Pedestrian Crossing signs, MUTCD Code R1-6 and R1-6a, used
in school areas as per Section 7B.09. The Conventional Road
size for these signs should be shown as 300 x 900 mm (12 x
36 in). [Inadvertent omission in the final page images
for the table.] |
7B-4 |
Figure 7B-1, in the illustration of the School Speed Limit
Assembly, below the last "OR" at the bottom of the
assembly, the S4-6 "MON-FRI" plaque should be shown
as two plaques together, the S4-1 "7:30-8:30 AM, 2:30-3:30
PM" plaque immediately above the S4-6 "MON-FRI"
plaque. [Inadvertent error in final page image for
the figure. The S4-6 is most often associated with specific
times.] |
7B-7 |
S4-3 SCHOOL plaques shown above the R1-6 and R1-6a in-street
signs should each be denoted with an asterisk (*) and the
list of reduced sign sizes should include the S4-3 as 300
x 100 mm (12 x 4 in). [Inadvertent omission in final
page image for the figure.] |
TC8-2 & 8B-8 |
title of Figure 8B-4 should be "Examples of Emergency
Notification Signs". [Figure is referred to in
the MUTCD text as examples. "Examples" was inadvertently
omitted from figure title.] |
10C-4 |
the third paragraph of Section 10C.05, "highway-light
rail transit" should be changed to "highway".
[Was correct in 2000 MUTCD. Error introduced in NPA,
inadvertently not corrected in final page images.] |
TC10-2 & 10C-9 |
title of Figure 10C-4 should be "Examples of Emergency
Notification Signs". [Figure is referred to in
the MUTCD text as examples. “Examples” was inadvertently
omitted from figure title.] |