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Full-size image of Figure 2C-2

Figure 2C-2. Vertical Grade Signs

This figure shows 17 vertical grade signs. They are yellow with black borders and legends.

W7-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a symbol of a truck pointing to the left and down on a ramp that slopes up from the left to right.

W7-1a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with the word "HILL."

W7-1b is shown as the same as W7-1 with the addition of "8%" under the ramp.

W7-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "USE LOW GEAR" on two lines.

W7-2b is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "TRUCKS USE LOWER GEAR" on three lines.

W7-3 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "9% GRADE" on two lines.

W7-3a is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "NEXT 7 MILES" on two lines. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is another horizontal rectangular sign with the words "NEXT 11 km" on two lines.

W7-3b is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "9% GRADE 7 MILES" on two lines. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is another horizontal rectangular sign with the words "9% GRADE 11 km" on two lines.

W7-4d is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the word "SAND."

W7-4e is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the word "GRAVEL."

W7-4f is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the word "PAVED."

W7-4 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "RUNAWAY TRUCK RAMP 1 MILE" on three lines.

W7-4b is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with the words "RUNAWAY TRUCK RAMP" on three lines to the left of a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right.

W7-4c is shown as a square sign with the words "TRUCK ESCAPE RAMP" on three lines.

W7-6 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with the words "HILL BLOCKS VIEW" on three lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024