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Full-size image of Figure 2C-8

Figure 2C-8. Intersection Warning Signs

This figure shows 11 intersection warning signs. They are yellow with black borders and legends.

W1-7 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a large horizontal double-headed arrow.

W2-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a vertical black line bisecting a horizontal black line.

W2-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a vertical black line with a horizontal black line extending to the right from the middle of the vertical line.

W2-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a vertical black line with a diagonal black line extending up and to the right from the middle of the vertical line.

W2-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a black T-shaped symbol.

W2-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a black Y-shaped symbol.

W2-6 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows three curved black arrows curving to the left in a circular pattern. It is shown above a W16-12p sign. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular supplemental plaque with the words "TRAFFIC CIRCLE" on two lines.

W4-4p is shown as a horizontal rectangular supplemental plaque with the words "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" on two lines.

W25-1 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "ONCOMING TRAFFIC HAS EXTENDED GREEN" on five lines.

W25-2 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with the words "ONCOMING TRAFFIC MAY HAVE EXTENDED GREEN" on five lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024