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Full-size image of Figure 2D-6, sheet 2 of 3

Figure 2D-6. Illustration of Directional Assemblies and Other Route Signs (For One Direction of Travel Only) (Sheet 2 of 3)

  1. Sheet 2 of the figure shows two highway intersections. Notes state "Lettering on Destination and Distance signs may be in all capital letters or a combination of upper-case and lower-case letters (see Section 2D.05)." and "See Sections 2D.28 through 2D.31 and Section 2D.35 for low-speed and/or urban conditions."
    1. On the left side of sheet 2, a highway is shown labeled "STATE ROUTE 15" at the top of the figure and "STATE ROUTES 15 AND 8" at the bottom. This highway runs vertically and intersects a highway running horizontally labeled "U.S. ROUTE 46" and "STATE ROUTE 8" on the left and "U.S. ROUTE 46" on the right. This figure shows the vertical and horizontal two-lane roadways with one lane of traffic in each direction. Near the intersection, the opposing lanes are shown separated by a solid double yellow line. Farther away from the intersection on the vertical roadway, the opposing lanes in each direction are shown separated from each other by a broken yellow line. Solid white stop lines are shown across the approach lanes at the intersection on the vertical roadway. The direction of travel is from the bottom to the top of the figure. There are seven sign assemblies shown on the vertical highway, all shown on the right side of the highway:
      • At the bottom of the figure, a sign assembly is shown composed of a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "JCT" in black mounted above a square black U.S. Route marker with the numeral "46" in black displayed on a white shield. The distance from the near side of the intersection to this sign assembly is shown as a dimension of not less than 120 m (400 ft).
      • Further up the page, a sign assembly is shown with a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "WEST" in black mounted above a square black state route sign with the numeral "8" in black mounted above a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black arrow pointing at a 90-degree angle up and to the left. To the right, another sign assembly is shown with a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "NORTH" in black above a square black state route sign with the numeral "15" in black mounted above a horizontal rectangular white sign with an upward-pointing vertical black arrow. The distance from the near side of the intersection to this sign assembly is shown as a dimension of not less than 90 m (300 ft).
      • Further up the page and closer to the intersection, a horizontal rectangular green sign is shown with a left-pointing horizontal white arrow to the left of the word "Newport" in white on the top line and the word "Greenville" in white and a right-pointing horizontal white arrow on the bottom line. The distance from the near side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of not less than 60 m (200 ft).
      • Just prior to the intersection, at the start of the corner radius and next to the white stop line, a red STOP sign is shown.
      • Just beyond the intersection, at the end of the corner radius, four sign assemblies are shown, with one assembly mounted above three assemblies. The assembly on top is composed of a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "NORTH" in black mounted above a square black state route sign with the numeral "15" in black above a horizontal rectangular white sign with an upward-pointing vertical black arrow. Below this sign are three assemblies. On the left, a horizontal rectangular white sign is shown with the word "WEST" in black mounted above a U.S. route marker with the numeral "46" in black above a horizontal rectangular white sign with a left-pointing horizontal black arrow. To the right, an assembly is shown composed of a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "WEST" in black above a state route sign with the numeral "8" in black above a horizontal rectangular white sign with a left-pointing horizontal black arrow. On the far right, an assembly is shown with a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "EAST" in black above a state route sign with the numeral "46" above a horizontal rectangular white sign with a right-pointing horizontal black arrow. Below these signs is the notation "Enlarged, if necessary."
      • Further up the page, a sign assembly is shown with a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "NORTH" in black mounted above a square black state route sign with the numeral "15" in black displayed on a white shield. The distance from the far side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of 7.6 to 60 m (25 to 200 ft).
      • At the top of the illustration, a horizontal rectangular green sign is shown with the word "Camden" in white to the left of the numeral "17" in white on the top line above the word "Portland" in white to the left of the numeral "38" in white on the bottom line. The distance from the far side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of 90 m (300 ft) + beyond the far side of the intersection.
    2. On the right side of the sheet, a highway with a T intersection is shown, with a highway running vertically labeled "U.S. ROUTE 56" intersecting a highway running horizontally on the left labeled "STATE ROUTE 41." This figure shows the vertical and horizontal two-lane roadways with one lane of traffic in each direction. Near the intersection, the opposing lanes are shown separated by a solid double yellow line. Farther away from the intersection on the vertical roadway, the opposing lanes in each direction are shown separated from each other by a broken yellow line. The direction of travel is from the bottom to the top of the figure. There are five sign assemblies on the vertical highway, all shown on the right side of the highway:
      • At the bottom of the figure, a horizontal rectangular white sign is shown with the word "JCT" in white mounted above a square black state route sign with the numeral "41" in black displayed on a white disc. The distance from the near side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of not less than 120 m (400 ft).
      • Further up the page, a horizontal rectangular green sign is shown with an upward-pointing vertical white arrow to the left of the word "Eureka" in white on the top line and a left-pointing horizontal white arrow to the left of the word "Dover" in white on the bottom line. The distance from the near side of the intersection to this assembly is shown as a dimension of not less than 60 m (200 ft).
      • Directly at the T intersection, a sign assembly is shown with a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "NORTH" in black mounted above a square black state route sign with the numeral "41" in black mounted above a horizontal rectangular white sign with a left-pointing horizontal black arrow. These signs are mounted to the left of a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "EAST" in black mounted above a square black U.S. Route marker with the numeral "56" in black mounted above a horizontal rectangular white sign with an upward-pointing vertical black arrow.
      • Just beyond the intersection, a sign assembly is shown composed of a horizontal rectangular white sign with the word "EAST" in black mounted above a square black U.S. Route sign with the numeral "56" in black displayed on a white shield. The distance from the far side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of 7.6 to 60 m (25 to 200 ft).
      • At the top of the figure, a horizontal rectangular green sign is shown with the word "Eureka" in white to the left of the numeral "15" in white on the top line and the word "Steelton" in white to the left of the numeral "57" in white on the bottom line. The distance from the far side of the intersection to this sign is shown as a dimension of 90 m (300 ft) +.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024