Figure 5C-1. Horizontal Alignment and Intersection Warning Signs on Low-Volume Roads
This figure shows 13 horizontal alignment and intersection warning signs for low-volume roads. They are shown as yellow signs with black borders and legends.
W1-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a right-angled arrow pointing up and to the left.
W1-2 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an arrow curving up and to the left.
W1-3 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow with a 90-degree turn to the left and then a 90-degree turn to the right, straightening to a vertical direction.
W1-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that slants diagonally up and to the left and then straightens to a vertical direction.
W1-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with an upward-pointing arrow that curves sharply to the right, to the left, to the right, and then straightens to a vertical direction.
W1-6 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a large horizontal arrow pointing to the left.
W1-7 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with a large horizontal double-headed arrow.
W1-8 is shown as a vertical rectangular sign with a large chevron arrow pointing to the left.
W13-1 is shown as a square advisory speed plaque with the legend "35 MPH" on two lines, with "35" in large numerals. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is another square plaque with the numerals "60" in a black circle above the legend "km/h."
W2-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a vertical black line bisecting a horizontal black line.
W2-4 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a black T-shaped symbol.
W2-5 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign with a black Y-shaped symbol.