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Full-size image of Figure 6F-4, sheet 4 of 4

Figure 6F-4. Warning Signs in Temporary Traffic Control Zones (Sheet 4 of 4)

  1. Sheet 4 contains 15 figures.

W21-5b is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED 1000 FT" on four lines. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED 300 m" on four lines.

W21-6 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "SURVEY CREW" on two lines.

W21-7 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "UTILITY WORK AHEAD" on three lines.

W22-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows the words "BLASTING ZONE AHEAD" on three lines.

W22-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "TURN OFF 2-WAY RADIO AND CELL PHONE" on four lines.

W22-3 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "END BLASTING ZONE" on three lines.

W23-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "SLOW TRAFFIC AHEAD" on three lines.

W24-1 is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows a vertical arrow that angles to the left, then proceeds straight, then angles back to the right, and then straight again.

W24-1a is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows two side by side vertical arrows that angle to the left, then proceed straight, then angle back to the right, and then straight again.

W24-1b is shown as a diamond-shaped sign. It shows three side by side vertical arrows that angle to the left, then proceed straight, then angle back to the right, and then straight again.

G20-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "ROAD WORK NEXT 5 MILES" on two lines. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "ROAD WORK NEXT 8 km" on two lines.

G20-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "END ROAD WORK" on two lines.

G20-4 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign. It shows the words "PILOT CAR FOLLOW ME" on two lines.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024