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Full-size image of Figure 6H-29

Figure 6H-29. Crosswalk Closures and Pedestrian Detours (TA-29)

This figure illustrates an example of crosswalk closures and pedestrian detours. A legend under the figure states that this is Typical Application 29. Notes state "Note: For long-term stationary work, the double yellow centerline and/or lane lines should be removed between the crosswalk lines." "See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure."

This figure shows a vertical two-lane roadway with one lane in each direction intersecting two horizontal roadways. Black arrows on the vertical roadway indicate that traffic is one lane in each direction. The opposing lanes on all three roadways are shown separated by a solid double yellow line. Vertical and horizontal sidewalks identified as thick white lines bordered by narrow black lines are shown on both sides of the vertical and horizontal roadways. Crosswalks, shown by parallel solid white lines, are shown extending across all roadways at all the intersections. Solid white lines are shown extending across the approach lanes in advance of the crosswalks at each intersection.

At the bottom of the figure and to the right of the northbound travel lane and south of the lower horizontal roadway, a black inverted "T" is shown denoting a sign. The sign is shown as a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and the words "ROAD WORK AHEAD" in black and labeled optional. On the north side of the lower horizontal roadway and to the right and just north of the sidewalk, a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border is shown with the words "SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD" and "CROSS HERE" in black above and below a left-pointing black arrow. Beyond this sign, a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and the words "SIDEWALK CLOSED" in black is shown in the middle of the sidewalk. This sign is shown directly in front of an orange and white diagonally striped Type III barricade, which is shown in front of a vertical rectangle with black and white diagonal stripes, denoting a work space, that is shown extending from the right side of the sidewalk to the right side of the vertical roadway. The work space is shown extending to the south edge of the upper horizontal roadway and then to the right for a short distance, covering the area from the south side of the sidewalk along the south side of the upper roadway to the right edge of the upper horizontal roadway. To the left of the work space along the right edge of the northbound travel lane, a series of orange squares is shown, denoting channelizing devices, that is shown continuing to the south edge of the upper horizontal roadway.

At the intersection of the vertical roadway and the upper horizontal roadway, black circle-and-arrow symbols are shown representing traffic control signals. Four symbols are shown outside of each corner of the intersection, and each is shown pointing to two directions facing the intersection.

On the south side of the upper horizontal roadway, to the left of the intersection with the vertical roadway, a Road Work Ahead sign is shown facing eastbound traffic. On the west side of the vertical roadway, a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border is shown in the middle of the sidewalk facing eastbound pedestrian traffic with the words "SIDEWALK CLOSED" and "USE OTHER SIDE" in black above and below a double-headed horizontal black arrow. The sign is shown on the short leg of the sidewalk that is shown entering the southbound travel lane and is shown directly in front of two channelizing devices shown blocking the sidewalk and the crosswalk. Another of these signs is shown on the north side of the upper horizontal roadway to the right of the vertical roadway and facing southbound pedestrian traffic. It is shown on the short leg of the sidewalk that is shown entering the westbound travel lane and is shown in front of two channelizing devices shown blocking the sidewalk and crosswalk.

On the south side of the upper horizontal roadway and to the right of the vertical roadway, the work space is shown continuing. Just beyond the crosswalk, a sign assembly is shown facing eastbound vehicular traffic. It is shown composed of a diamond-shaped orange sign with a black border and a black symbol of a left-facing person walking above a horizontal rectangular orange plaque with a black border and the word "AHEAD" in black. The work space is shown continuing and terminating with a Type III barricade at the east end. On the travel lane side of this barricade, a sign assembly is shown facing eastbound vehicular traffic. It is shown composed of a Walking Person symbol sign above a horizontal rectangular orange plaque with a black border and a diagonal black arrow pointing down and to the left. Back to back with this sign assembly, a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border is shown facing westbound pedestrian traffic. It shows the words "SIDEWALK CLOSED" and "CROSS HERE" in black above and below a right-pointing horizontal black arrow. A leader arrow points to the white crosswalk lines shown across both lanes on the pavement with a note "Temporary marking for crosswalk lines (cross-hatching optional)."

On the north side of the horizontal roadway across from the temporary crosswalk markings, four signs are shown. The signs are shown between the sidewalk and the right edge of the westbound travel lane. At the far right, a sign assembly is shown composed of a Walking Person symbol sign above a horizontal rectangular orange plaque with a black border and the word "AHEAD" in black. Beyond this sign, adjacent to the near edge of the temporary crosswalk, another Walking Person symbol sign is shown above a horizontal rectangular orange plaque with a black border and a diagonal black arrow pointing down and to the left. On the sidewalk just beyond the temporary crosswalk, two back-to-back horizontal rectangular white signs with black borders are shown with the words "PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK" in black.

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  Last modified: June 7, 2024