Figure 9B-4. Guide Signs for Bicycle Facilities
This figure illustrates 17 guide signs for bicycle facilities.
D1-1b (R) is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows the word "SALEM" and the numeral "6" to the left of a right-pointing arrow.
D1-1b (L) is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a left-pointing arrow to the left of the word "SALEM" and the numeral "6."
D1-1c is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows the words "8TH AVE."
D4-3 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a green border and legend. It shows a symbol of a bicycle above the word "PARKING" above a left-pointing arrow.
D11-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a symbol of a bicycle above the words "BIKE ROUTE."
M1-8 is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign. It shows a green oval with a white symbol of a bicycle above the white numerals "13" on the oval.
M1-9 is shown as a vertical rectangular black sign with a black legend. It shows an inverted white shield, with the numerals "23" in black at the top. Under the numerals, a horizontal black line is shown above a black symbol of a bicycle.
M4-11 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows the word "BEGIN."
M4-12 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows the word "END."
M4-13 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows the word "TO."
M7-1 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a right-pointing arrow.
M7-2 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows an upward-pointing arrow.
M7-3 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a diagonal two-direction arrow, with the left end pointing down and to the left and the right end pointing up and to the right.
M7-4 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right.
M7-5 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a horizontal two-direction arrow pointing to the left and right.
M7-6 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a right-angle two-direction arrow pointing up and to the right.
M7-7 is shown as a horizontal rectangular green sign with a white border and legend. It shows a 45-degree two-direction arrow pointing up and diagonally to the right.